Mixed Feelings

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Ramiu wailed until she passed out in Shira's arms. Shira petted Ramiu's head as she took her back to her dorm. It's sickening, how quickly we're willing to betray each other for suspicions.
The flashing lights soon stopped and we were then instructed to return to our dorms. I followed the group back into the hallway and then headed into my dorm.

Entering the door, Tiru and Chairo sat down on the beds while Orenji held onto me from behind. I turned around and hugged him back.

Orenji- "Ugh, this is a terrible trip."

"Sorry, it'll get better, I reckon."

Tiru- "Better?! How will this get any better?! They just killed both of the brothers of that Sheila! I reckon we'll be next."

Tiru stood up in a pissed manner.

"No worries, we'll be right. We just have to be positive and aware of our surroundings."

Orenji- "That means you're sticking close to me, you hear me? No sneaking off."

He then grabbed my collar and pulled it towards his lips.
I felt a cold stare on my back, however. Orenji noticed the look on my face and then let go.

Orenji- "What's wrong?"

I looked behind me and noticed that Chairo was no longer in the room. Where the bloody hell did that bloke go?!

"Sorry, I have to find Chairo and get him in the dorm, right?"

Orenji- "I'll come with them."

"You can't leave Tiru in here alone, I'll be right."

Orenji- "So he'll come too, I'm not letting you out there alone. Tiru, come here."

Tiru was dazing into the stars outside as Orenji tried to yell for him again. I giggled as Orenji rolled his eyes.
He then looked into the hallway to see people chatting and standing around.

Orenji- "Fine, don't stray too far away from the public view though. Okay?"

"I'll be careful, alright?"

My boyfriend sighed and then went back to his room.
Leaving my dorm, I then asked around if anyone had seen the guy. No one seemed to pay attention so their responses weren't very helpful.

After a while of walking around, I started humming.

(Trapdoor By Twenty Pilots)

"🎶He wakes up early today
Throws on a mask that will alter his face
Nobody knows his real name
But now he just uses one he saw on a grave 🎶"

I then began to hear humming in the distance and started to smile. Chairo must be a fan of theirs as well. I continued to sing and followed the voice I heard.

"🎶And he pretends he's okay, but you should see, oh
Him in bed late at night, he's petrified
Take me out, and finish this waste of a life🎶"

I then arrive at the humming to see Chairo sitting down.

"Oi, were you?-"

He turned red as he started to stumble over his words. I giggled and then put my hand on his shoulder.

"Ya right, mate? What are you doing out here?"

Chairo- "J-just trying to u-um... Take a moment t-to myself."

"I'm invading in that, I reckon."

Chairo- "N-no, you're okay."

"Ya know, I to sing in times like these. Keeps me calm. By the way, you hummed along it seems as if you were doing the same."

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