My love

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Nokons POV

Orenji-"Morning, love. Are you good?"

I jumped and closed the diary I was reading. Looking at the time, I realized that I had been up all night.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Didn't sleep, is all."

Orenji- "I can tell; you can go to sleep now if you'd like."

"No, I'm not tired."

Orenji- "If you say so."

I then looked over my shoulder to see Chairo pointing a camera at me.

"Chairo? What are you doing?"

He quickly put down his camera and awkwardly stared at me.
Looking at the diary, I then put it under my bed and stared back at Chairo. Saiki supposedly knew Chairo, if anyone knew what happened to her, it would be him.

"Oi Chairo, quick question for you, Who's Saiki?"

He looked at me in shock, which led me to believe he didn't want to speak about it. That's when I stood up and offered my hand to him.

"Let's talk about it outside."

Nodding his head, we head off to the cafeteria.
I looked back for a second to see him nervously sweating. What happened to Saiki?

We then sat down at a table and waited for one of us to speak.



"Saiki, what do yous know about her?"

Chairo-"She w-was a friend of m-mine for a long time. How do you kno-w her?"

I can't tell him about the diary; he'd think I'm weird for snooping in his friend's diary...

"I saw her name on a sheet of past ship riders."

Chairo- "Oh, right. S-she never came back f-from that trip."

"Wait, she didn't?! There was a bloody video of everyone walking out of it."

Chairo- "I saw it too. B-But she never showed up to s-school after that. I n-never got a m-message from her."

"Bloody hell, ya think they faked it?"

Chairo- "I don't know..."

"What else did ya know about the Sheila?"

Chairo-"S-she was a nice person. S-she listened t-to me when no one else did."

"It's a shame that she disappeared on ya."

Chairo- "Yeah, it is."

I went to hug him when I heard a voice from a distance. I turned my attention to it and saw Shira and Burraku walking towards us.

Burraku seemed different; he was more talkative than usual.

Shira-"Hello Nokon, Chairo, what are you doing out here? -"

Burraku-"Are we going to get something to eat?"

Shira-"You can go ahead; I'll chat with them for a second."

Burraku- "It's fine; I'll wait for you."

Shira- "If you insist."

Burraku had his arm around Shiras's shoulder as he looked down at us. He seemed irritated at us.

"Sorry for interrupting."

Shira-"He'll be fine; we just usually eat together. Would you two like anything?"

Burraku-"You're giving yourself more work again; you don't have to provide to make others like you."

Shira- "It's just a kind gesture; I'll live."

"I'm alright, Ta. We'll be heading back anyways."

Shira- "Understood, farewell."

"Cheerio! Come on, Chairo."

I reached for Chairo's hand, and that's when he grabbed it before heading off to our dorm.
I then looked around the dorm to see that everyone was still in there.
Ramiu is stretching, Orenji is putting on makeup, and Tiru is writing.

"Oi, Orenji, what time is it?"

Orenji-"11:03, I'm heading to bed soon, was just removing some stuff first."

"I'm buggered."

Ramiu- "No shit, you didn't sleep at all."

Tiru- "What kept yous up last night?"

"Nothing really, just daydreaming."

Tiru- "Uh huh, whatever ya say."

I then slammed onto my bed and passed out.
But this time, I heard painful cries and screams from outside of my dorm. Did I forget to lock the door?! Bloody hell... I completely forgot that this trip was just some twisted game.

I shot my eyes open to be immediately greeted by red flashing lights and loud sirens.
I turned around and looked over to see Orenji lying down near my sleeping bag.
I sighed and held my chest. Bloody hell.. is he trying to give me a heart attack?! I then got up to see that Ramiu was missing from my bed. Wait,
Please don't tell me...
I sprung up and looked back down at Orenji.

"Orenji! Bloody hell, get up! Where the hell is Ramiu?!"

While I was shaking him, I noticed how cold he was. What's going on?
Flipping him over to face me, I tried to make out what I was seeing.
That's when I got up and turned on the lights. Looking back down, I saw a blood trail leading to Orenji...
Shooting back down to his body, I started to sob once I noticed his lifeless eyes.
This can't be...

"ORENJI! Bloody hell, wake up!!"


I woke up to a loud, familiar scream from nearby. Shooting out of bed, I immediately go towards the noise.
At this point, the voice was very clear.

Nokon-"Come on, Orenji!! Please! I can't fucking do this!!"

What happened...?
Orenji can't be...

I then rushed towards his dorm in a state of shock.
Please tell me everything is fine...
I was about to open it until I realized that it was already open.
Frozen still, I looked down at my feet to see blood coming from the door.
I'm going to faint...
Pushing the door open, I immediately shot down to the ground to see Nokon holding Orenji's body.
What happened?!

Nokon-"No.. No! KI, this is fake, right? I'm just seeing things... M-My imagination has just gotten to me...
Oi, Orenji...
This isn't funny...
Get up already...
Just wake up...
Wake up!
Bloody hell, listen to me!"

I looked back at Orenji to see seven bullet wounds in his chest. He looked like he was still bleeding, this was very recent...
His face was stone cold, and his expression was as lifeless as his flimsy body.

I covered my mouth as I felt the buildup of tears rapidly come down my face. I quickly realized that I couldn't escape the state of shock I was in.
I slowly looked over to Nokon to see his whole body begin to tremble. His eyes were stained with a look of shock. His mouth was opened, but no sound was coming out.
We couldn't move.

Nokon-"What kind of sick bastard..?!
I should've... No, he has to be alive...
It's just makeup... Right?!
Orenji, please..."

Holding Orenji tight to him, he started to wail.


Nokon then looked up at me, in tears.

"I'm so sorry... We'll find out who did this. Right?"

He looked back down at Orenji and kissed his cold head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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