Chapter Seven: Golf N Stuff

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"Hey, ma!" I walked in the apartment. My nose was instantly filled with spaghetti, I sniffed the air once more and felt a small smile form on my face.

One of my best memories with my dad before he passed away was having a home cooked meal and that was spaghetti. Before we had a food fight, that is. Dad was quiet a character.

"Hey, honey." Ma was sat at a little brown wooden table eating while watching her reality show. "Sorry I was late, I was with a few friends." I grabbed a bowl.

"You were with that Ali girl?" Ma grinned. I rolled my eyes, "Yes, ma but it's not like that. We're just friends." Ma had already met Ali and soon enough they became besties. Ma adored Ali so much that every once in a while she would invite her over to watch TV or paint each other's nails.

"Alright, son. Whatever you say. You plan on going anywhere today?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could take me to Golf N Stuff?"

"Of course, what time?"


"Would you like me to pick you up? Or would you have a ride back home?"

"Well I was wondering if you could pick me and Ali both up?" I always felt awkward around Ali's parents, I knew they didn't approve of me because of where I'm from and much money I have.

Ma giggled, "Don't go making out now." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

After dinner, I tried to find the best clothes I had in my closet to impress Mr and Mrs Mills. The best thing I could find was an old red, black, and white flannel. I dug out a black shirt to go under and a pair of jeans to go with. I fluffed my hair and sprayed some of my dad's old favorite cologne.

"Alright, ma. I'm ready." I smile walking out. "Look at you. You look so handsome, Danny." Ma grabbed her purse.

"Thanks, ma." I grinned. As we left the house, ma wouldn't stop talking about Ali and how happy she was that she got to see her friend. I think she was more excited about our little date than I was.

As we arrived, I got out and knocked on the door. There opens up Ali. I smiled brightly, "You look cool. I mean, great, I mean good. You look good." I mentally face palmed myself as she laughed. I was so paranoid that her parents were around that it made me nervous to the core.

"What are we standing around her for? Let's go." She grabbed my hand and walked towards the car.

"Hey Ali!" Ma waved excitedly. "Hey Ms LaRusso!" She grinned from ear to ear as she sat beside ma.

As we got there, I opened the door for Ali. "You kids call me if there's an emergency, okay?" Ma said. I nod our heads and just as we were about to turn around, there was Johnny and his friends, along with a few girls in his shiney red car.

"Hey, Ali." Johnny stopped in front of us. I felt her hand wrap around my arm, "What do you want?" She frowned.

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to invite you to a party." He paused and glanced over at me and ma. "Don't worry, your little friend can come to if it's okay with his mommy." He laughed along with his friends and the girls as drove off.

I held back an eye roll and bit my tongue, afraid of saying or doing something I'll regret. "He sounds like a douchebag." Ma comments.

Me and Ali burst into laughter. Ma always said what was on her mind and never held back, that's what made her so interesting. Not only was she a great cook but she was real with people.

"Well I better be going, my show is probably on. Bye, kids! Love you all!" She waved before driving away.

"Bye! We love you too!" Ali waved back. She looked back over at me with a smile plastered on her face. "I love your mom." She says as we walk into the building.

"I love my ma too." I chuckled.

"Hey let's go to the photo booth!" Ali jerks me inside the booth. We made a few silly, serious, and random faces. We looked at the photos that came out of the booth.

We laughed as we scanned through the silly ones. "Oh my gosh, look at your face." I laughed. Luckily, there were two copies of the photos so we both kept one each.

"Want to play air hockey?" I motioned towards the empty stand. Ali nodded, "Sure, but I got to warn you that I am a champion at hockey." We walk over to the stand and stand across from each other.

"You might be good at hockey but not air hockey." I replied, feeling extra competitive. When me and her always played games or sports we always ended up being competitive. There were a few things I was good and so was she, but I know for a fact I was better at air hockey.

As we played, I kept scoring each round and winning. "Guess you're not so good, now are ya?" I joked as I nudged her. "Yeah, yeah, fine. You win, I lose." She admits. I smile and wrap my arm around her.

"Let's play some basketball and win something!" She suggests, I nod and began playing.

Unfortunately, she was better than I was. Hockey and soccer was my main two sports I was good at. "Look who's losing now!" Ali giggles.

"Yeah, yeah, big deal." I say as the game stops and announces her as winner.

"We got a lot of tickets, let's go get a prize." I follow her to the stand.

"Alright, little lady, what would you like to get?" A man asked.

Ali's blue eyes sparkled when they landed on a green stuffed crocodile. "That one!" She says. The guy grabbed it and gave it to her. "I won this for you but since I won it I'm naming it. His name is mister green." Ali giggles. I shake my head smiling.

As we begin to leave, we grabbed a few snacks and a drink and had already called ma to pick us up. As we sat on a bench, Ali looks over at me. "I have something to tell you."

"You're pregnant." I joked. She gasped and playfully hit me, shaking her head. "No you dummy. I'm going to be moving after Halloween."

I paused and glanced over to her. "Are you joking? Or not?" I raised a brow. "I'm not joking. My family found a job opening over in Toronto. It's pretty pricey, so I don't think they will be passing it up." She looks down at her drink.

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to beg her to stay but I know it wasn't her choice. I didn't want to be stuck her alone. Freddy wasn't really a friend to me after he had left me on my first day here and Susan didn't much care for me, I'll be stuck with the Cobra Kais.

"That's good, I'm glad you're going. Explore the world and meet new people. Huh?" I say, trying to hold everything in, including a sob.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'll miss you and your ma. You guys are wonderful people." She holds my hand.

"I think you and your folks are pretty great too. But this is part of growing up, I guess." Ali nods, "I guess so. Don't forget to call me when you get the chance, okay?" She looks at me.

I nod, "Okay, but you too." I smile. This is why Ali won the stuffed crocodile, to lend me something that would remind me of her, I mean we already have photos of us but I wanted to give her something she could wear so I would be there all the time.

"Hey, kiddos! Had a great night?" Ma pulled up. We smiled and got in. Talking about the night and going on and on how we both beat one another.

Ali was my best friend. I didn't want to loose her, she was the only person that I have. But all good things must come to an end, but I know for one thing. I will not let her leave without seeing the Cobra Kais get their reputations ruined. So for this Halloween prank will be dedicated to Ali.

End of Chapter Seven

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