How you met!

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Lori:You are Bobbies cousin, you live in the city with your familia.Lori was coming to see Bobby for their two year anniversary.And she bumped into you.”Hey y/n I literally can’t find Bobby anywhere can you help?”She asks you as she looks up from her phone.”Sure senorita he is probably in the bodega.” You lead her down to the store.”Thank you Y/n.”She thanks you as you open the door for her.What you both see shocks both of you.You look to see your cousin and Lori’s boyfriend kissing another girl.”BOBBY/ROBERTO!”You both yell.The girl quickly falls off of him.”Babe! Umm it’s not what it looks like.”You turn to see Lori trying not to cry “It literally looks like my boyfriend of two years is cheating on me!”She yells at him.You pull her into a hug “Shh lori let’s get you somewhere else.”You saw starting to lead her out of the store.”Y/n keep your hands off my babe!”He yells at you.Yuu turn and give him a look that would kill “Listen here you pendejo you hurt a girl who loved you more than anything! I’m not very happy with you right now so go back to the filthy puta you were just kissing.”You shout as you slam the door in his face.You look down at the crying teen in your arms “Muneca (doll) I’m so sorry you had to see that.Could I take you around the city to get your mind off of that hijo de perra?” You look down at the girl.She sniffles “I don’t want to cause problems between you and your family.”She looks away with a guilty expression.You just smile “I’ll deal with it but what do you say my treat.”You look at her.She just nods “That literally the nicest thing.”She hugs you.You try to hide your blush leading the blonde through the city.

Leni:You were a troublemaker.You’d say you were almost as popular as the loud family.You’ve done everything from shoplifting to graffiti.Here you were outside the mall spray painting on the side of it.Once you got done you decided to go inside to the food court.After you got done eating you saw a clothing store.”Well I’ve been needing some new clothes.”You smirk to yourself.You knew all eyes were on you in the store but you didn’t care nobody has ever stopped you.You grabbed some clothes and started walking out.When you felt a hand on your shoulder you quickly turned around.You saw a teenage blonde girl with white shades on her head.”Are you lost? The cash register is this way!”She starts dragging you with her.You push her arm off “Yea no i’m not.I’m leaving.”You say turning back around.She steps in front of you “Like don’t you have to pay?”She looks down at the clothes in your hand “Oh-my-gosh!”She yells ''you thought she was about to turn you in.”That shirt does not go with those pants! Come on, we like to find you some better clothes!”She starts pulling you towards the isles.”Oh I’m Leni!”You couldn’t believe that this girl had no idea who you were or what you were doing.After she found you some clothes you couldn’t bring yourself to steal from her.”Here you go!And I'd like tots pay for it!”She smiles at you.You blushed “I-umm ok bye.”You start to leave.Till she yells “Wait! Like here is my number!”She smiled at you then kissed your cheek.When you were out of the store “What the hell just happened to me?”You ask yourself looking down at the number.

Luna:Song Paralyzed Secuo acoustic version You were sitting in an empty classroom.You had your acoustic guitar with you.It was a light brown color with F/c strips.You didn’t like playing in front of many people you preferred playing by yourself.You were tuning your guitar getting ready to play since everyone else was in there break period.No ones ever walked in on you or heard you before (so you think).”Alright here I go.”You mumbled to yourself.You start strumming.

“She got a big ego 

You can see with a telescope

I’m the same way it’s the way we always argue back and forth

I swear she’s my poison the same time my antidote

She’s the nose around my neck I couldn't ask for a better rope


Your like a time bomb ticking away 

Thirty second till you blow up right in my face

I can’t find one good reason to stay

So why do I hate when you’re walking away

You got me paralyzed!
Go head,baby,take my life!”

You jumped when you heard something fall.You look to see Luna Loud.You’ve never really talked to her but you two shared some classes and you found her music amazing.”Eep!”You yell falling on the ground.”Sorry dude! I didn’t mean to spook ya!”She rushes over and offers a hand.You just blush and take her hand.”Y/n right? We share geometry and gym.I’ve been listening to you play for a while-WAIT!”Her face turns a deep red after she heard the last sentence that left her mouth.You were blushing as well “Umm-Thank you.”You mumble hiding your face by looking at the ground.”Well dude I just wanted to say your music is rockin!!” You see her go back to her energetic self you see around school.You couldn’t help but turn redder at her praise.All of a sudden she grabs your hand “Mate! We should hang out!” You just nod your head trying not to look her in the eyes hiding your flustered state.She lets go “Here ya go luv! Call me on my telly!”She says in a pretty good british accent.You look up to see her give you a wink before she leaves.You look down to see a paper in your hand with her number.

Luan:You were sitting at the park on the swing.You just found out your partner was cheating on you.And you just wanted to be alone.You were listening to some music till you felt the swing next to you start moving.You look over to see a girl with light brown hair pulled back into a pony tail.She had a white shirt and plaid yellow skirt.With a fake flower on her shirt.You tried to ignore her but you felt her gaze on you.You looked over at her she was smiling at you.You looked back at the ground but took your earbuds out.”Howdy! I’m Luan Loud!”You look over at her and see her smile you had to admit it was a contagious smile.You cleared your throat trying not to let even a small smile show.”Y/n.”You say in a monotone voice.You look over to see her offering her hand you take it but feel a little shock on your hand.”This is a shocking introduction!”She laughs at her pun.You couldn’t help but laugh lightly at her lame pun.”Wow! If I knew you had such a beautiful smile I would have shocked you sooner!”Your laugh got a little louder.”Didn’t think I’d smile today thank you for that.”You look over at the girl she gets up and comes closer to you.”Wanna talk?”She offers you her hand.”Sure but my day might shock you.”You look at her sending a wink.She just smiled and you told her about your day.Before she left she gave you her number.

Lynn:You were the pep club president.So you were always at every game for every sport.So you knew who Lynn Loud was.But you never talked to her.You think she was a little full of herself so you never tried to talk to her.Here you were in your science class just sitting at your desk not really listening because you had really good grades.”And finally Y/n L/n with Lynn Loud.”Your teacher says looking at her chart.You snap back into reality when you heard your name.”Now students get in your partners and discuss your project!”Your teacher smiles nodding her head towards everyone.”Dang it.”You mutter under your breath knowing Lynn doesn't pay attention.You jump when someone smacks their hand on your desk.''Alright dweeb! You have to ace this or I'll be put on the bench.”She looks at you more like glares at you.You just scoff “Well Loud you better start thinking of some ideas because I’m not doing it by myself.”You look her right in the eyes.She was taken back nobody ever had lip with her.She rolls her eyes “Whatever dweeb.Let’s just do something simple.”You just roll your eyes at her.You two argue the rest of the class about who or what you’ll two be doing.The bell rings reminding you it’s the last class of the say.”Finally!”You say grabbing your stuff not even sparing a glance at Lynn.When your in the hallways you hear someone shout “Dweeb hold it!”You look behind you to see Lynn you wasn’t even gonna try and run knowing she was faster then you.”What Loud?”You glare at her.”Look here's my number.”You gave her a confused look “For?” You raise your eyebrow at her.She scoffs “The project idiot.”She playfully punches you in the arm.You were taken back but she didn’t say anything else she just ran off with her sports buddies.Everyone who ever had been partener with Lynn never got her number she just left them to do the work.”Weird.”You mumble to yourself.But you keep it and walk to your house.

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