A s/o who can cook

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Lori:She found out one night when her parents went out for date night.She begged them to allow you to come over.In the end they said yes because all the kids soon started asking.”Bye kids!”Lynn sr yells as he exits the door.”Bye dad!”The loud kids yell after him.”Bye senor Loud.”You tell him as you close the door behind him.Since you came into the picture Lori started chilling out with her siblings.”Literally what do you guys want for dinner?”She looks at her siblings.Soon they all start yelling stuff “Subs!/ice cream/pizza!”You looked over at Lori who was getting frustrated.”Silencio!”You raise your voice which gets all their attention.They all turn to you “How about I cook your dinner tonight?My treat.”You smile at the kids.Lori looks over at you with a thankful smile “You can cook?”She asks you.You nod “Mhm! I learnt from my abuela.”You hand off Lilly to lori and kiss her cheek.When you walk into the kitchen lori smiles “Literally the best partner ever!”She says dreamily.”Hey romeo! Are you done? I'm hungry!”Lynn yells from the couch which earns her a glare from Lori.”Si! It’s done!”You yell from the kitchen.You heard what sounded like a stamped coming towards the kitchen.When they all sat down their mouths practically drool at the sight of the fest before them.”Wow! Did you seriously make all of this?”Lincoln asks you.You nod.”What is it?”Leni asks as she has never seen the type of food before.”Leni! Don’t be rude.”Lori tells her roommate.You laugh a little “It’s no problem amor I’ll be happy to tell them.There are tamales,mole poblano,chimichangas, and empanadas.And for dessert arepas and deep fried ice cream.”You finish off as you made lilly a plate and sat it on her highchair.”Let’s dig in dudes!”Luna shouts as she stars piling her plate.Lori eats a plate and couldn’t stop smiling while she ate.When she was done she kissed your cheek “Thank you babe it was literally the best.”You had a small blush “Thank you amor.I think your siblings liked it as well.”He points to all the siblings still eating.Lori smiles “We’ll have to save some for my dad so he can see he might have a little kitchen help.”She lays her head on your shoulder.

Leni:You and Leni were hanging out at your house.”Hey hunny!”Leni called out to you.The nickname always made you blush “W-what blondie?”You turn to ask her. You couldn’t help the smile come to your face when you saw her hanging upside down like a child.”I’m hungry, I want to go get something!”You decided to do something special for Leni since she’s been stressed with school and her family lately.”What if I cook for you?”You ask quietly, feeling a little embarrassed.You swore her eyes sparkled “Really! You can cook!!”She jumped up and ran towards you.You just nodded you head “I can do a little.Go turn on the dream boat and I’ll watch it with you when I get done.”You tell her.You saw she was very excited she kissed your cheek “Your like the best!”She says as she turns to go watch her show.You smile a little when she turns away.(After cooking) “Leni! I made mac'n'cheese bites and cheese sticks.”You look up from the tray.She had the biggest smile on her face “Let me try! Let me try!”She took one of each from the tray.”Like those are so good!”She pulled you into a hug as you sat the tray down.Leni asks you to cook for her a lot more now.

Luna:Luna’s birthday was coming up and her family was kinda panicking.As their parents couldn’t remember her favorite food.You hated seeing anyone distressed especially the Louds.”Rita we’re such bad parents!”Lynn cried into his wifes shoulder.You knew how sensitive Lynn sr was.So you took a deep breath “I could make the food.I know all of Luna’s favorites.”You tell the couple.Mr.Loud looks up “R-really!”He had a smile now.You nod your head.Him and rita pull you into a hug “Thank you Y/n! It means alot.”You smile at the embrace.(After cooking)”We’re back!”Lori shouts as she and the siblings went out to distract Luna.You made an excuses that you had to help Rita with a novel idea.”Surprise!”You all shout as Luna walks into the kitchen.Her eyes wooden “Dudes! No way.”She looks around the table at the snacks.”Shepards pie! Mics favorite!”She turned to her dad “Pops how did you remember all this?”Lynn si gave out a half hearted laugh “Actually it was Y/n.”He pushed you towards the front.”Luv! I didn’t know you could cook!”She pulls you into a hug.You smile “Happy birthday luns!’

Luan:You were going to help her on practice for her job at the buffet.”Ok Luan I’m going to cook it frist then you try and explain what’s on it.Ok?”You look up from the sink washing your hands.”Sounds Peachy!”She hlds up a can of peaches.You rolled your eyes but left out a little laugh.”I didn’t know you could cook.”She looks over your shoulder at all th epots and pans on the stove.”You never asked~”You teased her.(Timeskip) “Done!”You look down at the gumbo in front of you.Luan grabbed a spoon and ate some “That’s delicious.I need you to cook more!”She smiled at you.

Lynn:She was tired. She had practice and games all day for different sports.It was her final game of the night and you made her favorite spicy meatball subs.”Lynn Loud scores the final goal!”You hear the announcer shout.Everyone started shouting and cherring.After everything calmed down you saw Lynn looking exhausted.”Hey lynn.”You wrap your arm under her shoulder to help her stand.”H-hey!”Her face was as red as her shorts.Lynn looked over to her family trying to seem unphased “What’s for dinner?I’m starving!”Before her parents could answer you took a lunch bag out of your satchel “Here I knew you would be exhausted so I made you these.”You handed her a to go box you got from your home.She smelled them and her mouth started drooling “Where’d you get this!”She asked stuffing it in her face.You laughed “ I made it.”You saw her eyes widen “You need to make more!”She continued eating.Now after every game you bring her a sub. 

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