How you meet her family

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Lori:Lori didn’t want you to met her family at first afraid they might be upset about her and bobby.She hasn’t exactly told her family that they broke up.She makes excuses every time anyone brings him or them up.But after you two became official she wanted to tell her family about you.


Senorita:Babe I’m nervous! What if they are mad I left booby.

Babe/You:Amor you didn’t leave him.He hurt you not the other way around.And what you have told me about your familia they’ll accept you.I’m almost there I have housewarming gifts.I love you see you soon.

Senorita:I swear you are perfect.I love you! I’ll be outside!.

(Loud’s house) You turned off your truck as you pulled in front of the two story house with thirteen people inside.''Alright chica/chico calm yourself.You’ll be alright.” You mumble to yourself.You get out of your truck and grab the tamales you made.You look up to the porch and see your blond girlfriend looking at you with an awestruck look.You make your way up to the porch “Hello there mi vida.”You kiss her cheek.All of a sudden you hear a loud crash.You immediately open the door and before Lori could say anything you saw something fall.You quickly catch whatever fell into your arms.”Y/n!” You hear Lori shout.You looked over your shoulder.You immediately looked around seeing all of loris siblings and parents.You look down to see a small blond i a pink dress.You sat her down on the floor.Lori puts her hand on your shoulder “Um-Well guys this is Y/n Casagrande.”You look around seeing all the family’s eyes on you.You bow your head “I am so sorry! I heard a crash and wanted to make-”You got cut off when you felt someone hug your legs.You look down to see the small blonde.''Hunny get the camera Lola’s hugging somewhere!”You heard who you assumed was Mr.Loud.The little blond quickly let go and cleared her throat.''You are now my personal knight.”She looks up at you.You chuckle to yourself “Well,I’ll take great honor in that ma’am.”You playfully bow your head.You look back up and walk back over to Lori.All of a sudden there’s a swarm around you.A bunch of questions get asked to you.Lori pulls you behind her.”Wow-wow guys! Just listen this is Y/n my girl/boyfriend.''Everyone's eyes go wide.All of a sudden Mr.Loud came in front of you.”Lori Lou what happened to bobby? And wouldn’t they be related to him?”You look over to see your girlfriend flinch at remembering the incident with your primo.You clear your throat “Sir,I’m very sorry to intrude like this but my cousin hurt your daughter by being unfaithful and I started out friends with her but I feel for her.”You squeeze her hand.”HE DID WHAT?!”You heard all her sibling scream.You look at them to see every single one mad.”Guys I know it’s bad but Y/n help me get through it.I’m alright.”She pulls you closer.Lynn walks up to you and pulls you down by your collar “Listen here you hurt our sister you will have ten people out for blood.”You nod your head.She lets go and the siblings glare as to give you a silent threat.Lori rolls her eyes “Alright guys they get it.”They all stop “Bipolar much”  You thought.You felt someone pulling you.You look down to see Lola “Tea party!!”She shouted.

Leni:It was actually an accident.Leni forgot to tell her siblings she was going to hangout with you.And they were all worried when she didn’t show up at home.”Have any of you heard from her?”Lori asked trying to call her for the fifteenth time.They all shook their heads.”Let’s go look for her in town!”Lincon yelled running to vanzilla.(With leni) “Hey honey bee!”Leni shouted at you.You turned and smiled “Hey there blondie.”You grab her hand.”So where are we going?”She asked you swinging your guys arms like children.You chuckled “How about the park?”She squeals “Oh my gosh! Yes!”She started pulling you.”Slow down blondie!”You said between laughs.(With the Louds) “Lisa where does the tracker say?”Lori shouted to the four year old genius in the backseat.”It says in the royal woods park.”Lisa yells.(With Leni) “Y/n like push me!”Leni shouts from the swing.You playfully roll your eyes “Alright,alright, I’m coming hun.”You start pushing her and she laughs and smiles like she was a kid again.She jumped off and you both started walking the trail.”Y/n like this is so fun!”She hugs your side.You lightly blush but clear your throat to hide it.”Thank blondie glad you like it.”You both go back to walking.”Wow boy slow down!”You both look forward to see a big dog running towards you both.”Leni!”You pull her close wrapping your arms around her.You both hit the ground and groan.You open your eyes to see your on top of Leni.”Sorry-”You got tackled.You look above you to see a girl with a brown ponytail and a boy with white hair.”What were you doing with our sister dweeb!”The girl grabs you.You sigh when you realize these are Leni’s siblings she must have forgotten to tell them she was going out.”Wait dudes! That’s the Y/n royalwoods trouble maker.”Luna shouts at her siblings.Lincoln starts cheking your pockets “I found Leni’s phone!”He shouts glaring at you.”Look kid her-”Lynn slams your head to the ground.”Hush!”You groan.”Get off them!”You hear Leni shout.”Leni they-”You heard her older sister try to intervene.”Stop! Get off! Now!”She lightly pushes her two younger siblings off.She helps you up “Are you alright honey bee?”She tilts her head.You kiss her cheek “I promise I’m alright just a headache.”She pulls you closer.”Honey?”The siblings ask in unison.Leni looks at her siblings “Duh they are my girl/boyfriend!”Leni kisses your cheek.All their mouths were wide.”Leni dude they are a huge troublemaker!”Luna shouts at her older sister.”We don’t know why he did what he did but it doesn't look like he hurt Leni.I don’t sense no bad intentions from him.”You hear a girl with black hair say after all the siblings jump.You mouth thanks towards her.She just nodded.”Now let me finish my date!”Leni grabs your hand and starts dragging you.You see all of them but Lucy glaring.

Luna:You were against meeting them.You weren’t very social and you were paranoid.”Luv I promise they aren’t bad at all!”She squeezes your hand.”Luan it took me weeks to say a whole sentence in front of you!”You mumble.She hugs you “Mate I promise it’ll be ok if you get uncomfortable at all we will leave.''She pulls you into her side knowing you can’t resist her.You blush “Fi-fine.''You pout.”YES!”She shouts jumping up.You get shushed by the librarians.”Let-lets get this over with.”You sigh grabbing Luna’s hand.(Timeskip)She was walking hand and hand with you towards her house.She saw your nervous state and she stopped walking.”Luna-”She kissed your cheek.”I promise it’ll be ok! I won’t leave your side.”She squeezed your hand.You let out a shaky breath “Alright we can continue.”She silently celebrities.You finally arrive in front of her house.You take a deep breath as Luna goes to open the door.”Dudes I have a guest!”She shouts in the house.You hear what sounds like a stampede coming towards you.You hide behind Luna.”Dudes! Calm down!”She pulls you into her side.”Who’s that?”You hear a girl with sunglasses ask.Luna squeezes your hand “This is y/n my partner.”You hear a bunch of squeals and aww’s.”That’s great Luna! Would you like to stay for dinner?”You look over to an older male who you assumed was her dad.You nod your head still holding on to Luna.”Kids introduce yourself to your sister's partner!”You hear Mrs.Loud shout as she heads back in the kitchen.”How did you two meet?” “Who confessed?” “Do you like mud/tea parties!?”A bunch of questions were being asked to you.Luna saw your nervousness “DUDES!”All of her siblings hush now looking at her.”Say your names first dudes! Then ask some questions.”She laughs at her siblings.You had fun meeting all of them Lily took a huge liking to you.The Louds adored you from your shy nature ro your kind personality.

Luan:You looked the complete opposite of Luan.You wore darker color then her.But you were funny and kind even though you looked “emo”.So you didn’t know how people would react to you and Luan especially her family.”Come on bunny! please!”She was giving you puppy eyes.”Luan Loud you don’t know how’ll they’ll react.”You say looking away from her eyes.She quickly pecks your lips knowing you’ll become a mess.”F-fine but if they don’t like me I’m blaming you.”You mumble hiding your face.”Yes! Now let’s make like a cow and Mooove it!”You chuckle at her “Let’s go before I change my mind.”She starts dragging you.”Luan hun slow down!”You shout at her.”We’re here!”Your eyes wide “Wow that was fast.”When you realized what was actually going to happen your anxiety kicked in.Luan realized how nervous you were.”Bunny breath it’ll be ok.”She gives you her signature smile.You let out a breath as Luan goes inside.”Guys! I have a guest!”Within a blink of an eye a bunch of kids and teens were in front of you.”They look like one of Lucy’s friends.”You heard the boy with white hair say.Luan clears her throat “If any of you make them uncomfortable or upset I’ll make april fools seem like a cake walk.”You saw all of the people in front of you lose color.Luan goes back to smiling “Now introduce yourselves!”After all the introduction and you meeting her parents the Louds liked you.They saw you were actually a funny person.You talked to Lana about cars and talked to Leni about fashion.They really enjoyed your company.

Lynn:They meet you before you two were together.You arrived at the Louds for your project.You knocked on the door.You looked to see a white haired boy.”Um-hi is Lynn here we have a project.”You saw him smirk “So you are the person.”You chuckle nervously not knowing what he meant.”Stinkcon who’s at the door!”Lincon rolled his eyes “Your project partner!”All of a sudden the white haired boy was on the ground.”Took you long enough dweeb.”You roll your eyes “Took you long enough to answer the door.”She rolls her eyes at you.”We’re going upstairs!”All of a sudden a blonde with white sunglasses on her head was in front of her.”Is this the person you were telling us about?”She tilts her head,”Hush Leni!”Lynn drags you to her room.(After the project)You looked at your phone and sighed.”What’s up with you dweeb?”She ask you from her bed.”My mom won’t be home tonight so I need to get pizza.”All of a sudden all her siblings were at her door “You can have dinner with us!”They shout.You look over at Lynn who was glaring.You swear you though you saw a blush.”Umm-ok.”They all started celebrating.You got along with them but they soon realized you were competitive with Lynn.After the dinner you and Lynn played some games you two ended up in a tie.The siblings and parents saw that she wasn’t as aggressive with you.”Bye Loud I’ll see you Monday.”You start walking out the door.”Bye dweeb.”She closes the door behind you.She turned to see al her siblings smirking.”What?”She asked them.”You like them!”Lori shouted.Lynn blushed a bright red “What-no-Lynn Loud as no time for love!”She starts stomping up the steps.When she told them that you two were going out they teased her all the time.But they were happy she was actually trying with emotions and they actually liked you and your affect on her.

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