You sit on their lap

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Not anything dirty ya nasty!)

Lori:You were exhausted from working all week at the bodega and listening to your family's normal chaos.You decided to vist your girlfriend in royal woods.She told you her parents would be out and it would just be her and her siblings so you decided to go.When you arrived the drive took more out of you then you would ever admit.You knocked on the door and Lincon came to the door.”Oh hey Y/n!”You smiled at the white harried boy.”Hola amigo.”You ruffled his hair and you didn’t notice his worried face when he saw your tired state.”Lori’s in her room.”He told you softly with a smile.You nodded and gave him a smile slowly making your way up the staris saying hi to the others in passing.When you knocked on Lori’s door you heard a muffled “come in”.You walked in to see her sitting on her bed scrolling through her phone.”Hey babe!”She looked up at you with a smile.You made your way over to her and settled in her lap.She was taken back usually sh sat in yours it’s not liked she mind but was surprised.She was a little red but shook most of it off as she noticed your were exhausted.”Take a nap babe.”She kissed your forehead and went back to her phone.

Leni:You were pacing in front of the bench Leni was sitting on.As you had a lot of energy and couldn't sit down.”Watch out!”You turned to see some biclest coming your way.You quickly dove out of the way expecting to land on the ground or beside Leni.Definitely not on top of her lap.”If you wanted to sit you could've asked hun!”She gave you a smile.You were too flustered to say anything back to her.”Ooo I like tots have to show you this!”She wraps her arms around your waist and pulled her phone out and started showing you videos and pictures.

Luna:You both were at a hangout with friends.When you were getting a drink and you felt a hand on your shoulder.You turned to see some of your friends with smirks on their faces.”What are you lot thinking?”You raised an eyebrow.”Well~ We have a dare for you.”One of them send a side glance towards Luna sitting on a couch.”This can’t be good but let’s hear it.”You roll your eyes as they celebrate.”How about you sit in her lap.”You choked on your drink feeling your cheeks heat up.”I-uh”You couldn’t think of an excuse so your friends took your silence as a yes.All of a sudden you found yourself getting pushed away from the snacks towards Luna.When the let go a few feet away you turned and they all gave you a thumbs up.You took a deep breath making your way towards Luna.She noticed you and her lips formed into a smile “Hello luv!”She sent you a wink.”Hi luns you kissed her cheek throwing your arm over her shoulder and sitting in her lap.You heard a bunch of people close to you both cheer.You couldn’t help the little laugh escape your mouth.Soon you felt two arms wrap around your waist and pulled you closer.You felt yourself melting into the touch as you continued your conversation with your friends finding your new favorite sitting spot.

Luan:You were having a bad day.You woke up with a headache and just wasn’t feeling good.When you got to school it was loud and Luan was practicing for a play all day so you didn’t get to see her much.You and Luan both had free period together so you were looking forward to it.She told you to meet her in the auditorium.So you walked in when you entered you walked to the backstage seeing some of the students hanging out back here.You spotted Luan sitting on a couch talking to some of her friends.”Hey sunshine!”She looked over at you and smiled but raised her eyebrow seeing your smaller smile.”Hey luv!”You walked over to her when you were about to sit beside her you felt her pull you into her lap.”Luan! What are you doing.”Your face was bright red.”She smiled at you laying her head on your shoulder “Just pulling you in for some comfort.”She giggled at her own joke.You wasn’t tense no more you just relaxed and listen to her talk about her play and tell some jokes.

Lynn:Your guy’s bus was packed with your teammates.You all were going to the baseball finals.You felt crowded as they had to put three to a seat.You were in the middle Lynn by the window and penny on the edge.You guessed Lynn noticed your tensed state as she sighed but pulled you over on to her lap.”Jezz relax dweeb.”She rolled her eyes trying to ignore her own blush.You were red but had a smile as you couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her noticing and caring.You felt her hands hug your waist as she started falling asleep the way there and soon you followed.

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