They find you crying in the bathroom

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Lori:You brought her to the city for the weekend.You tried to stay away from the bodega so you paid for a hotel.You were waiting for Lori to come back from the vending machine.When your phone rang.You saw it was your prima Ronnie Ann.”Hola Prima.”You greeted her.”Y/N M/N Cassagranda!” You heard half of your family shout.You immensely froze you knew this wouldn’t end well.You take a deep breath “Hola famila.”You weakly greatted them.”Where are you!?”Your abuela shouted.You took a deep breath “I’m at (random hotel) with Lori.”You knew what was coming.”Y/N!” That was your mother.You sighed “Yes mama?”You couldn’t help but close your eyes, readying yourself.”What have we told you about dating your primo’s ex!”You felt yourself flinch at her tone.”Your choosing a girl over your family mijo!”Your abuelo tried “reasoning”.You knew what you were about to say was going to backfire.”I’m not choosing nobody over neither of you! I love you all and I love Lori! And if you can’t respect that then maybe I should stay away from the bodega for a bit.”You hung up the phone.You headed to the bathroom and turned on the skin splashing water in your face.You felt the tears falling but you didn’t want Lori to see and worry.”Babe!! I have som snakes!!!”You heard Lori come in.”I-Ill be out in a minute amor.”You hated when your voice cracked.You heard a soft knock “Babe are you ok?”You didn’t want to lie but also didn’t want to worry her.”I’ll be ok!”You tried to sound positive.All of a sudden the door opened.You looked over at her and felt your chest tighten with the look of pure concern.She pulled you into a hug “Babe what happened?”She took you to sit on the bed.You couldn’t help the tears after you explained everything and reassuring her it wasn’t her fault.Lori loved how even when you are upset you make sure she’s ok.”Y/n babe listen.I’m sorry your family said that to you but you know they care about you.Maybe you could come hang out in royal woods with me till things settle down.”She kissed your forehead.You looked up and smiled at her “Thank you amor.”She gave you a smile and turned on the tv grabbing the snacks she got earlier.

Leni:Leni talked you into going to a party with some of her friends.You were a little reluctant at first thinking it wouldn’t end well but Leni used her puppy dog eyes.”Honey we’re here!”She was jumping up and down.You couldn’t help but smile at her childish behavior.”Don’t wander off now blondie.”You gripped her hand knowing she was very curious.As soon as you both stepped inside Leni was crowded with people.You didn’t know what to do but Leni kept you at her side.”Leni why are you with that trouble maker.”One of her classmates asked.You just rolled your eyes but Leni smiled “Cause we’re dating silly!”She pulled you off to the dance floor.She started swaying back and forth.You smiled “I’m gonna go get some drinks.I’ll be back blondie.”You gave her a peck on the lips.When you reached the snack table you overheard a conversation.”I just don’t see what Leni is ding with them.I mean their probably just using her.”You heard sounds of agrement.You didn’t know why but that sentence got to you.Usually petty things don’t bother you but you took your relationship with Leni you took very serious.You left to go to the bathroom.You found it upstairs you didn’t notice your phone ringing.”Stupid people i swear!”You mumble to yourself.You felt tears brimming your eyes but you angrily whipped them away.All of a sudden the door swung open you were about to yell when you saw Leni.”Hunny!!! Hun-OH there you are! Wait what’s wrong.”She rushed over to you.”I’m fine blondie go enjoy your party.”You kept your eyes locked on the ground.”No.”That's the most authority you’ve ever heard in her voice.”Your upset! Let’s go get some ice cream!”She pulled you up and out of the bathroom.She ignored everyone who was saying bye or trying to get her to stay.You couldn’t help the smile on your face.

Luna:You had no idea why you agreed to this.You were at a huge party Luna was playing at.She was on stage right now and here you were hiding out in the bathroom.Your anxiety was high for some reason and your thoughts weren’t helping. “You're supposed to support her but here you are hiding in the bathroom! What a good partner you are.”You tried shaking the thoughts out of your head but it wasn’t working.You slide down the wall and pulled your knees to your chest feeling your breathing picking up.You didn’t even hear the door opening.”Y/n!Luv-What happened!?”You heard a muffled but familiar voice.”Luns.”Was all you could mange to say as you felt her pull you into her chest.”Shh i’m right here.”She was playing with your hair.She started humming a song to you as her voice always calmed you.She felt your  breathing steady and smiled.”Let’s go luv Lori’s outside waiting for us.”She pulled you by your waist into her side.

Luan:You were having a bad day.Frist you were just waiting on Luan when someone pushed you in the mud.Then you forgot your homework.And finally you were waiting for Luan at Lunch when you saw your ex coming up to you.All of a sudden you felt them push you down.”Sorry didn’t see you there.”They said mockingly.You just rolled your eyes “Whatever e/n.”You weren’t going to give them the satisfaction.Which pissed them off.”You waiting on your jester girlfriend.God I wonder when she finally tell you were a joke as well.”They walked off snickering with their group.”Y/n!”You heard someone call your name but you didn’t care you had to leave before you started crying.You were in the girls locker splashing water in your face.”Why do you look so blue?”You felt someone hug you from behind.You knew it was Luan.You just sighted “I’m fine Luan.”You couldn’t even look her in the eye.She gave you a kiss on the cheek and pulled out some of her dads pie she brought from home.”Come on hun let’s go give e/n a present.”She started dragging you with her.You couldn’t help the little laugh you gave.

Lynn:You just got done playing a baseball game.You guys won thanks to Lynn.You were about to catch up with her when you overheard the other team.”That team was good.”You couldn’t help the smirk that came across your face.”Yeah but that player Y/n I think is a little slow.”You clenched your fist at the comment.”I mean they only got 4 runs while Lynn got like 9.”You just threw your bag in the dugout and ran off.Un aware a certain sports loving loud heard the other team.You were sitting in the locker room punching the locker.You felt your hand starting to hurt and tears swell from the pain and the comments.You pulled your hand back but someone else grabbed it.”Hey!”You turned ready to pounce on whoever it was.You turned to see Lynn.You just looked to the ground and avoided eye contact.She pulled you into a hug as you started letting more tears fall.”Y/n listen those chumps are wrong.Your an amazing player.The only person who can keep up with me and that's not easy.”You couldn’t help the small smile on your face.She let you go and lightly punched your shoulder “Lets head to gus’s the team there right now.”She started dragging you away.When you excited you saw the other team shaking in fear when Lynn past you couldn't help but laugh.

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