Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hi everyone. I'm new to this platform. This is my 1st ever fanfic. I got inspiration from a movie I watched I can't remember the name. I hope you like it. <3



"Oh my god could you shut up?" Blossom yelled at him.

"Make me pinky" Brick retorted smoothly. Brick couldn't remember what caused the fight but who cares

"Ugh! You know what? I shouldn't waste my time talking to idiots. I hope you have a day you deserve." She said as a smirk played her mouth and walked away calmly.

"Huh?" Brick muttered confused. She's just gonna walk away no more yelling or fighting?

"Pinky!" Blossom ignored him and kept walking. In a flash Blossom's skirt went up and a shriek filled the hallway.

That's what you get for ignoring me.

She turned around and glared at him while Brick smirked. She grabbed a milkshake from a kid passing by ("HEY!" the kid yelled ) and splashed it on him.

"You ruined my favourite jacket" Brick said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry. Not sorry." She said and walked away.

Oh she's gonna pay


"So why did Blossom dump milkshake on you?" Butch asked.

"Because I lifted her skirt." Brick replied as he pulled a beer out of the fridge.

"So you got her to flash you and everyone else in the hallway?"

"Yeah pretty much"

"She ruined my favourite jacket" Brick groaned. "I will get back at her if it's the last thing I do."

There was a long pause until, "Remember how you said you can make any woman fall for you?"

"Yeah. Your point?" Brick said taking another sip from his beer.

"Bet you can't make her fall." Butch said smirking.

"I can but I won't. "

"What if I paid you"


"Oh come on"

"For fucks sake Butch-"

"Hello My dearest brothers." Boomer announced as he walked the apartment" Oh is this a bad time"

"No. Nothing really. I was trying to convince our dear brother to date Blossom." Butch said as a devilish grin spread across his face.

"Oh. And that is a lovely Idea Butch" Boomer grinned

"No. Nah ah. Never" Brick said glaring.

"FINE!" Butch gave up sighing.


Brick woke upto to his alarm going off. "The fuck!" He groaned as he smashed his alarm clock. Which is why he doesn't use the alarm on his phone. ( few hours later)

What time is it? 10.30 already? A bit early for a Saturday but OK I guess

"Good morning Big bro." Boomer said as Brick walked down.

"Morning." Brick muttered as he pulled out a box of cereal.

"Boss we got pancakes and bacon for you." Butch said smiling in a way that creeped Brick out.

"OK what do you want?" Brick snapped at the two.

"Brick we want you to get Blossom to fall for you." Boomer stated

"NO! Why are you so obsessed with it?"

"We just wanna see... if you are charming as you think you are." Butch piped in.

"We'll pay you $50 each." Boomer said


"And be your sla- servants for a month"


"And if she does fall for you, you can get her back by breaking her heart." Boomer said knowing how this might change his mind.

He was right a smirk was playing on his lips. "$50 isn't enough."

"$100 from each of us." Butch said. "But you have to get her to say I love you before graduation. "

"Deal" Brick exclaimed shaking his brothers' hands.


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