Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen Peacock Valley

    Lin Zhuo walked for another half an hour before he left the jungle and came to a slowly flowing river with an open grassland.

    The map told her that walking east along this river would lead to Peacock Valley.

    She thought about it, stopped and rested for a while.

    She sat on the ground, put down the hive, cut a small piece with a knife and put it in her mouth.

    It is clean and sweet, with a cold floral fragrance. After entering the mouth, one can feel a strong and gentle aura pouring into the body.

    Like the koi I ate last time, it is a rare nourishment.

    "Now is a good time," Scarface hid in the jungle, watching her every move with one ear in the dark, "She is eating now, unprepared, we just strike, you first..." Scar The face and one ear were giving instructions, when suddenly they heard a slightly cheerful voice—"Lin Zhuo! Why are you here?" Scarface was shocked: "Why is Nie Wu, the little Yama, here!" Seeing a man in white riding on a driftwood and swinging towards the water, before the driftwood touched the shore, he flew to the woman's side in the air: "We meet again, we are really destined!" Lin Zhuo raised his eyes, she I have never believed in coincidences: "Why are you here?" "Oh, I'm here to take a beehive. I've been staring at that beehive for several days, but I haven't found a chance to do it. Today I finally found their nemesis... ..." Nie Zhan was talking eloquently, and suddenly realized that what was in front of Lin Zhuo was a honeycomb.

    "Huh?" Nie Zhan asked in surprise, "You actually got there first?" He knelt down and looked at Lin Zhuo eagerly, "Since you got it...can you share it with me?" It was a coincidence.

    Lin Zhuo was suspicious for a while, then narrowed his eyes and said, "You can give it to you..." "However, what are you going to exchange?" Nie Zhan said bluntly, "You can do whatever you want! OK!" Lin Zhuo: "..." "You don't need to promise me with your body," Lin Zhuo said, "Do you have any container with you?" She was testing Nie Zhan if he really came to fetch honey.

    "Hehe, of course."

    Nie Zhan immediately took out a jade bottle and put it in front of her, "I brought a thousand-foot bottle to hold honey." A thousand-

    foot bottle, as the name suggests, can hold a thousand feet of water. It is a space instrument commonly used in the cultivation world to hold liquids.

    Nie Zhan was so generous as soon as he made a move, but Lin Zhuo dared not accept it.

    "Well, I'll borrow your thousand-foot bottle for three days," she generously cut off a piece of honey and handed it to him, "I'll return it to you in three days."

    Nie Zhan took a bite of the honey and grinned: "It's okay, You don't have to return it!" Lin Zhuo didn't speak, he cut the honeycomb piece by piece, squeezed the beeswax with a small whirlwind technique, and put the honey that flowed out into a thousand-foot bottle.

    When it was cut to the center, the color of the honey suddenly changed, and the milky white was mixed with golden yellow, and the aroma was several times stronger.

    "It's royal jelly." Nie Zhan took out another thousand-foot bottle for her, "Put it away, it's much better than honey."

    Lin Zhuo listened, and put the royal jelly into a bottle alone.

    She didn't waste the rest of the beeswax, and ate it up bit by bit.

    After eating, she obviously felt that the spiritual power in her body was about to overflow - it seemed that she was about to break through.

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