Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 Unfair

    Suddenly being kissed by Xuanli, Lin Zhuo's mind went blank for an instant.

    A clump of fire burned from her lips, burning her entire face red.

    For a moment, she didn't know how to react, she could only allow herself to be wrapped in the man's fierce and hot breath.

    It wasn't until a moment later that her consciousness came back in a hurry, and she stretched out her hand in a panic.

    As soon as she reached out, she touched the man's firm chest.

    Beneath the hard flesh was his powerful beating heart—every heartbeat was like a drum beating heavily on her soul.

    Xuanli, he... There was a trace of pain in Lin Zhuo's eyes, and then he closed his eyes and pushed him away.

    But her hands and feet were weak, and as soon as she struggled, he tightened his arms, put them on her waist, and pressed her even harder into his arms.

    Lin Zhuo was aroused by this action, opened his mouth, and bit his lower lip.

    Xuanli still did not let go, looked into her eyes, and was deadlocked with her.

    Until Lin Zhuo smelled a bloody smell at the tip of his nose, he realized that he had bitten his lips, subconsciously felt guilty and uneasy, and let go of his lower lip, and Xuan Li also let go of his hand.

    "I..." Lin Zhuo pursed his lips, the salty taste of his blood was still on his lips, "I'm sorry." I

    apologized for biting him, and for myself, I couldn't accept his feelings for the time being.

    The two stand against each other, there are too many mixed elements in this relationship, his heart is passionate and pure, but she can't wait for it the same way.

    It's not fair.

    Lin Zhuo's heart throbbed for a while, and then she suppressed the feeling, squatted down, and picked up the peony petals scattered on the ground one by one.

    "This is the peony I got with great difficulty. Unfortunately, the flowers are all broken..." Lin Zhuo felt distressed and tried to ease the embarrassment.

    Xuanli didn't talk to her, just stood there quietly and looked at her.

    The atmosphere still didn't ease, Lin Zhuo took a breath and turned his back to him: "I'll say goodbye to them, and then I'll go with you."

    She took a deep breath and walked up the stairs.

    From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of his slender figure, lonely and desolate.

    ...Jiao Xing and his party were still immersed in the aftertaste of the Hundred Flowers Banquet and were very happy, but when they saw the teacher coming up, they seemed to have a bad face.

    Jiao Xing raised her eyebrows, pulled her and said, "Teacher, did that little white face bully you?" Come on.

    Lin Zhuo was also choked up by the little boy's statement. She didn't know why Jiao Xing had such a misunderstanding, but she didn't intend to explain: "It has nothing to do with him, it's just that I'm leaving."

    "Going?" Qi Qi looked at her.

    "Well," Lin Zhuo said calmly, "It's time to go back."

    Jiao Xing's righteous indignation also faded a bit, and she said reluctantly, "Then...will you come back in the future?" "I can't say," Lin Zhuo said "But if I come back, I will definitely come to see you."

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