Chapter 43

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Chapter 43: Snacks

    Next to the ruins of Yunchongpo, the aura is still running chaotically, creating a powerful coercion, few people dare to approach.

    But today, beside the ruins, there is a figure standing.

    After seven days of applying the medicine, the peacock finally regrows its plucked feathers, and because of the nourishment of the medicine, its feathers are thicker and more lustrous than before.

    Peacock also got rid of depression, and proudly wished to show it in front of everyone.

    But Lin Zhuo didn't give it a chance to brag, and rode it back to the ruins.

    The peacock obviously had a shadow over the ruins, it was afraid that Lin Zhuo would go in again and disappear, and then it would be caught and plucked by Tang Hong, and refused to let Lin Zhu approach, and hovered in the air far away, refusing to land.

    Lin Zhuo comforted it: "I won't let you be plucked again, I promise." The

    peacock still shook his head.

    Lin Zhuo had no choice but to resort to his ultimate move: "Aren't you afraid that Xiaotang will pluck your hair? If you don't let me get close, I will pluck your hair now!" Peacock: "..." It was so miserable Bird, why is it so unlucky.

    It awkwardly let Lin Zhuo down, and Lin Zhuo stood in front of the ruins and let go of his consciousness.

    She found that the group of storms among the ruins. The chaotic spiritual energy has gradually calmed down after the formation was closed.

    The aura field here may have been disturbed by the Naling Formation that snatched the aura of the wilderness, and it was even more chaotic because of the shocking battle between the two powerful men.

    After the formation was gone, the aura began to self-correct and balance, returning to the laws of operation between heaven and earth.

    If it was before, she actually had the idea of ​​sorting out the aura - there was an aura storm in the Mulou before. She was busy for a day and a night, and although she fainted from exhaustion in the end, her spiritual consciousness also improved a lot because of this exercise.

    Now she is worried that her own strength is too weak. If she helps sort out such a large mess of aura and restore it to a smooth state, her spiritual consciousness will definitely benefit a lot.

    But by coincidence, in "Qinglian's Travel Notes", the weak point of the formation that Lay Qinglian mentioned is here.

    Layman Qinglian said that although the Qinglian formation is tough inside and can block the power of the Nascent Soul, but with the power of the Nascent Soul on the outside, it can blast the formation away.

    The way for the formation master to solve the weakness is to reverse the external and build a layer of green lotus formation, which is equivalent to a double insurance.

    But this means that there is a vacuum in the middle of the two formations of Qinglian Formation.

    As long as you squeeze into this compartment, and then attack the formations on both sides, you can easily disintegrate the formations.

    In the past, Lin Zhuo definitely did not have this condition, but after the battle between Xuanli and the cultivator from the Cang Realm, Lin Zhuo saw that the formation in this area had begun to show signs of breaking.

    In her eyes, this formation is like unbroken glass, full of cracks, only missing the final blow.

    ——Of course, what was missing was the last blow of monk Nascent Soul.

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