Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 Xiaodouding (second more)

    After leaving Shannan Town, Lin Zhuo returned to Wuwang Mountain on a peacock.

    Once back, she used the sound transmission talisman to find Tang Hong, and made an appointment outside the valley.

    "Senior Sister Lin," Tang Hong asked her, "Where have you been these days? Why can't I find you?" Lin Zhuo smiled mysteriously: "I'm going to get you something delicious."

    Tang Hong's eyes It became brighter: "Roasted quail? Fried loach? Candied haws?" "That's right!" Lin Zhuo took out the roasted quail and fried loach he bought from Shannan Town, as well as the candied haws he bought in Sishui County a few days ago. : "Come on, try it."

    "Wow!" Tang Hong was really happy. She stared at the three foods and looked again and again: "So it's like this!" Do you want to eat for Mingxuan?" Seeing that she was still thinking about Mingxuan at this moment, Lin Zhuo smiled and said, "You can call him out to eat together."

    "Okay!" She responded crisply, and slipped into the formation disappears.

    She put her things away and leaned her back against the trunk, waiting for them to come out.

    She asked Tang Hong to call Ming Xuan out, firstly, to give him all the alchemy materials directly; secondly, she deliberately wanted to tell Tang Hong that she had left Wuwang Mountain.

    The information in Wuwang Mountain is blocked, and the supplies are also scarce. If she goes out for a walk, she will definitely have something to do with Xuanli again.

    She didn't want to embarrass Xuanli.

    From his standpoint, he guarded the prisoner without reproach.

    But... Tang Hong and Ming Xuan are not criminals.

    They are the second generation of prisons born in Wuwang Mountain, and they don't even need to participate in the Jiuchongliantai. The rules of the five major sects naturally have no binding force on them.

    However, Mingxuan's military power is weak, and Tang Hong's thinking is not as far-reaching as Mingxuan's when encountering problems. The two have to work together so that there is no shortcoming.

    Things that are inconvenient for her to do can be done by these two for her.

    Therefore, this matter must also be known to Tang Hong.

    Lin Zhuo found a flat place to sit on, spread out a tablecloth, and arranged the food, including some delicate pastries she brought from Hongxinglou.

    Then, she twirled a little cinnabar and slowly drew a concealment formation.

    After a while, Tang Hong pulled Ming Xuan out and ran out, two shadows, one green and one red, were intertwined, like intertwined flowers and leaves.

    When they arrived, Lin Zhuo's concealment formation was just about to be completed.

    "Come," Lin Zhuo said, "come in and talk."

    The two stepped in, and Lin Zhuo put in the final touch, and the intermediate-level concealment array was completed. Unless an attack was launched here, this place was like the most ordinary mountain scenery, blocking sight and sound.

    "Senior Sister Lin..." Seeing her situation, Mingxuan already had a premonition in his heart, "You..." Tang Hong looked at the dazzling array of food on the tablecloth, and finally realized slowly, "Senior Sister Lin, these are all yours. Did you make it yourself? Why have I never seen these things in Wuwang Mountain?"

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