Chapter Two - A Brand New Start

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[My Hero Revolution]




'Why is it always that memory? Why am I always thinking back on that day? I...never find the answer. Nothing about it makes sense. But no matter how much I try, I can't stop replaying it over and over. I can't even tell if it's guilt, or if it's just sadness. Is it fear? I don't know. It's not a nightmare. But it's not a dream. I wake up feeling more pain than happiness. Maybe......maybe I'm regretting my decisions.

Regret that I'm not there with them. Regret that I never went home. Regret that I never thanked Momo and Kirishima for being my friends. Regret that I broke my promise to Tetsu and Kendo. Regret that I failed All Might. Regret......that I never told Setsuna......just how I No it was for the best. He's not gone. He can't be. Not that easily. Maybe in another lifetime. Not this one. I'm too dangerous. The world can't handle anymore to do with me. The only thing that truly stings, is every morning I wake up, I ask the same question.'

"Am I dead yet?"

Midoriya said to himself, slowly opening his eyes to look at the blank, metal ceiling above. Other than his whisper, the only other sound that was heard, came in the form of water droplets hitting the ground. Forming a puddle by the teen's worn mattress. "Heh. Well, to them I am."

Izuku sat up right on the mattress. He glanced down at his right arm. The one covered in multiple scars. From the large, continuous, splotch on his upper arm and shoulder, to the small, snaking scars towards the wrist. A detail shared by both arms. The cause? Black Whip. A quirk, the poor teen still had no real control over.  Despite it being his most useful quirk, now that he was "dead."

In fact, he had acquired all but one of his predecessors quirks. The only one missing, possessed by the second user. All the others agreed to pass on their quirks, knowing that Izuku had no other options. All Might was dead. Eri used a massive amount of her power, to revive his former, glorious, self. All Might managed to to take down All for One, this time for good. At the expense of his own body. The heroes barely survived Shigaraki, coming within inches of a full blown failure. But they won. Society however, did not. And Izuku, did not make things better.

Going out as a vigilante, for one last shebang. He got exactly what he wished for. A rematch against a villain he grew to hate so much. What was there to lose? To many others, he had everything to lose. To him, nothing meant more for his psyche, than taking down the bastard who destroyed the world he knew. Messed up everything, for one stupid goal. Took away his mentor and father figure. Left his friends in hospitals, or very nearly body bags. But, it ended. It finally came to a screeching halt. One chance encounter. One final fight. Good versus evil, part two. And what a glorious battle it truly was to witness. In the end, Izuku managed to land the final blow to Shigaraki. Seemingly going against everything that was the code of heroism. Even if that code meant nothing anymore. He did what had to be done.

The Revolution was squashed. The League, dissolved. Heroes had done the unthinkable, but at what cost. Japan had been splintered. The President of the Commission died. Regulations were no more. The public began to see heroes in a different way. There was no structure anymore. Those villains from the shadows, only saw a power vacuum. All they wanted, was their place on the throne. And with the heroes being outnumbered almost ten to one, all hope lord on a miracle.

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