Chapter Four - So You're Saying There's A Chance

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Another one of my chapters I should have made longer. Because the next chapter moves to a different thing. So here you go.


"I thought this shit was gonna be easy. You never said anything about having to do all this paperwork, Takami. It's bad enough I only have one writing hand."

"Oh lighten up a bit, will ya. It's not my fault you lost your leg and arm." A tired voice responded, belonging to that of Keigo Takami. "Plus you know you have help. You are the one who keeps insisting that you do it yourself."

"Pssh. I was joking. If you really knew me like you said you did, then you'd know that I'm not actually good with this type of crap. Or is your love for a certain Tsutsumi, clouding your bird brain." Rumi Usagiyama taunted. Liege just took a sip of his coffee and sat it down on the desk next to the former bunny hero.

"You know I'm asexual. Right?" Miruko's ears dropped.

"Ah, shit. Forgot you told me that. Sorry."

"Meh. Honest mistake. You, Kaina, and Endeavor are the only ones who know anyway." The hero known as Hawks, tilted his head to the left until he heard a couple pops. Followed up by him doing it again to the right.

"Ew. Don't do that around me. I can hear all of the grinding." The woman formerly known as Miruko, winced in annoyance. Hawks just quietly laughed. "It's not funny jackass!"

"To you, no. To me, hell yeah it is!"

"If you two are done being children, we have a lot of work to do today, and I am not about to fall behind." Kaina Tsutsumi, aka Lady Nagant, walked into the room with another stack of papers.

Rumi blushed a bit, when she saw the woman wearing a one piece, black dress, with sleeves that cut off at the elbow. Kaina also had glasses on, that greatly enhance her physical charm. Her hair was in a ponytail, as she had decided to grow it out again. Rumi swore that if she was wearing heels, she might have to take a long break in the bathroom.

Hawks on the other hand, sipped some more as he watched his friend simp so hard over their colleague.

"So what's up? You seem to be in a chipper mood." Hawks commented. He took his seat on the other side of the circular table, that had become their de facto group space.

"Three things." Kaina now took her own seat. Rumi smacked herself lightly, to get her mind off of how smooth and sexy Nagant's legs looked. Something Hawks surely didn't miss. "First order of business. This, Revolution group. Akatani has reported to me, that he finally managed to get a lead on two of them. He even got their names and appearances for me."

Kaina plopped down a few dozen pictures. The other two grabbed the pictures and examined them closely. The first one, was a male with green hair and what looked like black eyes. He didn't have anything else noticeable, except for a tattoo on his lower neck. But the ink was cutoff by the clothes he wore. The other was woman. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tattoo of her own. This time however, it was visible. In fact, it looked like a certain symbol that Keigo had seen when he played old games from the twenty first century.

"Man. These are some good photos. How did he get them?" Miruko asked, handing one of the photos over to the winged male.

"Posed as a photographer. It was the first time in about a year we've been able to document anyone with a link to the group. The first one, is named Sona Shikano. Male, Twenty-six, born in Okinawa, moved to Tokyo when he graduated. Quirk is unknown, but he has been in and out of jail for about three years now. Several armed assaults with illegal quirk usage, robberies, and grand theft. Only reason he is out today, is because the judge for some reason acquitted him on all charges back in November." Kaina explained. They gave her a "wtf" type look, after hearing the last sentence.

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