Chapter Three - Reunions Aren't Always Fun

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Izuku really didn't want to walk away from Mei's place like that, but it was definitely for the best. As mentioned before, Mei took his "death" the hardest. She had suppressed her feelings really well behind that outgoing, eccentric nature of hers. Then, the announcement got made. That day, Izuku Midoriya wasn't the only person to die. Mei Hatsume, died as well.

Izuku knew that. He hated it too. Not because he disliked who she became. More so, because it was directly his own fault. God knows what she's so, if word got out that he'd still been alive. That doesn't even consider what the world would think beyond that. Midoriya couldn't bear that thought. Especially because that would mean, EVERYONE would know he lied. Mei, Momo, Tsu.....Setsuna.....none of them could handle that. Not now. Not ever.

Which brings us to where Izuku always goes, whenever he needs to vent. The cemetery. Weird place to vent, we all can agree. It's where he goes, that makes it all come together. The grave of one, Inko Midoriya. The boy's own mother. Whenever Izuku needed to talk, find motivation, or just relax, he'd come here. He found a sense of calm, each time he came by to chat. He really had nowhere else to go. And with the fact that his mother was gone....thanks to a heart attack linked to stress and heart break, Izuku needed somewhere to let it all out.

Sadly, Inko had passed due to a stress induced heart attack. The loss of Izuku, and her best friend in Toshinori Yagi, weighed too much on her. She couldn't handle the heartbreak anymore. And it gave way. Fortunately, hundreds of people who had supported Deku, came to the funeral to honor her. From other pros like Endeavor and Hawks, to the guy that Izuku met when he watched Mt, Lady make her debut. An outpouring of support, for the lady who raised the young man who stopped the war.

May her soul, rest in peace.

"Izuku. We're not going to bother you okay? If you need us, just call. But we will stay out of your hair." Nana promised Midoriya.

'Thank you.'

He took a small breath, before he began to talk to his mother again.

"Hey mom." Izuku began.

He sat on the ground next to the gravestone that stood over her place of burial. His back leaned against the marble base, while his head sat back and relaxed. His left leg extended out, while his right was bent at the knee.

"Been a minute since I came out here to see ya. Sorry about that. Got caught up in a lot of stuff. Dealing with people behind the scenes, isn't as fun as you'd think. But hey! I found out some cool stuff about me! And my quirk too! Like, did you know that I can punch holes in water? I know right?! It's super awesome. Obviously the water quickly fills back in, but for a few seconds there's just a hole at the place I threw a Smash at. Not really sure how physics are supposed to work, but I guess I'm here to break those rules."

Izuku chuckled and looked up to the sky. Unfortunately the day quickly became cloudy, but that meant he could stare at the heavens without bother from the sun.

"I miss you. I know you weren't my dad, but you were the closest thing to one I ever got. I'd say now, I need you more than ever. I don't know what to do. The public doesn't know it, but the league of villains has a imitator. They call themselves the Revolution. I've tried to get some details on them. They're just too good at covering their tracks. I can't trace them anywhere. Hell, I can't even get a lead on one of their commanders. I swear; it's like I'm hitting rock bottom, and yet I'm still falling. I wish you were here, so I could ask you what to do. It sucks.

I hate having to play dead anymore. I want to just tell the world I'm okay. I wanna say I'm alive but had to hide. I wanna go home and sleep in a normal bed. Not find random haikyo and loiter in there every night. I...just want the warmth I used to feel. I miss everyone. I'm tired of running. Please, I just want this to end. I need it to. I need my old life back. I......need you. I can't do this without you anymore. If only you were here, and I wasn't so stupid. God dammit. Why did I have to leave? Why didn't I just wait? Why did I have to be so impatient? Dammit. Bakugo was right. I'm just a-"

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