Chapter One - The Choices We Make

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Here we go again. Izuku Midoriya, the ninth user of One for All, a powerhouse of a student with no control of said power, now lie in a bed. Broken bones and all. His second home. With the love of his life, it felt. Bed-kun that is. Let's be honest; we'd all run for the hills of Deku was into...yeah no. Either way, he managed to bring hisself back to his natural habitat. The medical bay.

What could he have done this time? Oh simple enough. He just convinced some edgy, emo, mentally scarred, teen with daddy issues, to use the more powerful side of his dual use quirk. Oh and not only did this bone headed since do that, he also broke at least twenty bones in the process. Since he could control his quirk, known only to him as One for All, the repercussions of his actions were surely dire. Fire to the point a certain old lady accustomed to his visits, was ready to beat him bloody with her cane.

So much for that promise, All Might. Rather than winning the festival, all your student did was put himself back into the infirmary. And without so much of a scratch, being dealt by his opponent. Sure there had been a massive explosion at the end of their fight, but Midoriya had just as much of a hand in that as anyone. Broken limbs? One for All. Cuts on his body? Him scraping along the ice. Concussion? The bloody moron head but this opponent. The burns? Easy. That Bakugo level boom boom. And for what? Surely Midoriya had to have been think the question, everyone spectator thought.

Was it worth it?

Hell no. Not in the slightest. At least, to you and me. Oh ho, don't tell him this. To him, it meant the world. To help a "friend" in need. Todoroki wouldn't budge on using his fire. No sir-ree. He utterly abhorred that left side of his. Why? Easy. Endeavor. His father, the Number Two hero in Japan. That man's brought about the very worst qualities of one, Shoto Todoroki. Said qualities, that lead to his brutal nature. Win fast, effective, and destructive. Who cares what anyone else thought? Prove HIM wrong. That stupid little ideological bullshit, is what drove Midoriya to do the unthinkable. Break, the mind, of Shoto.

Break, he did.

A little, too well.

If you really think about it, the moment he got the emo to use his fire, Mido would've been better off stepping out. Why fight? You're already broken. No sense in breaking any more. Try telling that to someone as stubborn as the ninth wielder of One for All. Honestly, try. You'll get nowhere. Hence, the visit to bed-kun.

"Has he woken up at all?" The skeletal version of All Might, asked his "youthful" comrade.

"No. He's been out for nearly two hours. The surgery was a success, but with too many prices to pay." Recovery Girl grabbed her clipboard and tossed it to Toshinori. "Look at this All Might. Thirty-eight broken bones. Thirty. Eight. Some of them so much, that he's lucky I was even able to piece them back together. Most damaged being the left ulna, radius and metacarpals, while his right was mostly his humerus and wrist. Couple that with a femur break in the left, and a tibia break in the right, and this young one is halfway to becoming the next Frankenstein monster. He's lucky to be able to move at all."

Toshinori studied the notes closely. He couldn't help but feel guilty. One for All was his power before. He never thought that his successor, would go through such a gauntlet. From stories past, none had ever had such a setback. Not his mentor, or hers, or the one before. But not that he'd went from being student to teacher, the more and more that time passes, the less chances he has to prepare the young one.

"...this is my fault."


"You're darn right it is. You chose this boy to be your successor, yet you haven't even showed him an inkling of what this power truly is. You can't just expect the poor thing to be like you, right off the bat. He needs time to grow." Recovery Girl protested.

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