Chapter Six - Revelations Pt. 2

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After a good while, everyone had finally gathered down in the common area. Mei and Setsuna had to fight down their feelings of bliss, due to the fact that it was time to finally interrogate. Tsu was standing by the kitchen table. She really didn't want to sit right now. Momo say by Denki who was holding her hand tightly, knowing how much this was about to hurt. And everyone else kinda just littered around.

In all honesty, there's no place anyone could've gotten comfy. For something like this, there's just no way. Izuku Midoriya, the one thought dead hero, back to life. Or should I say, never dead in the first place. The only thing was, how do you start this? It's not like they could just straight up go for it. But could they ease into it? Eventually things were gonna get heavy. Very, heavy. And it's not like anyone knew how to interrogate Izuku. Momo got lucky with the hit on the head. Izuku's mind had been overwhelmed, which overloaded Danger Sense. Right now Izuku had his mind completely focused, so no one was gonna get him again.

"If you don't mind, I'll just start telling the story." Izuku became the first to speak up, breaking the uneasy silence. Some of the class liked that idea, while others didn't care what he had to say.

"Bullshit!" Kendo decided to be the next to speak up. "Don't think you have any sort of authority to avoid questions. You think we're just gonna let you sweet talk an explanation, to get out of the truth? Fuck that! Setsu and Mei may be able to see past the outer layer, but not me Midoriya."

Jeez. Could she say his name with any more venom?

"Then ask." Izuku's stone cold tone, really threw Kendo off. "What? I'm not the same Izuku. I never will be. You caught me off guard once, and that's once too many. So instead of trying to play bad cop, just ask the question. You know how I am, Kendo. I literally can't lie."



"Deku you're a dumbass."

"Shut it, Katsuki."


".......frickin mother of All Might..."

"Anytime you say something stupid, or if we suspect a lie, you're getting a good hit from us, Izuku." Mei said, as she brandished a pipe that Momo had made.

"......just get on with it."

"Why are you in such a pissy mood? We're the ones you hurt." Kendo said with fire coming from her lungs. Izuku facepalmed softly and looked down.

"You act like I wanted to hurt any of you."

"Dooh-hooh! Whatever Midoriya. You hurt my best friend. You hurt Mei. You hurt Momo, Iida, Tsu, Todoroki, and Bakugo." The blond didn't say a thing, knowing that he'll probably have to tell everyone the truth as well. "It's like god damn. Did you give a shit about anyone here?"

Okay so no easing into it. Itsuka went straight for the throat. The only thing that they didn't account for, was the potential that Izuku would get mad. Very mad. So mad to the point that One for All flared up and shook the building for a few seconds. It didn't last long, but the message was sent. And even worse, all of the looks of anger were now replaced with fear. Fear of how strong Izuku had become. Fear of what he truly could be.

"Kid, you have to keep your anger in check here. They're your friends."

'Friends who act like I wanted to hurt them. What kind of friend says that you wanted to leave them behind?'

"People say a lot of stupid things when they're mad, or upset. It's just them trying to reason with everything. But don't allow that to fester within. Look at them. That little burst right there, now puts fear into all of them. You are NOT All for One, so don't you dare act like it." Nana scolded her pupil. Izuku could imagine what the rest of the users were thinking, so he sighed and gave into her words.

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