Operation: Repo-diet - (Loid's POV)

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A/N: This was made on Loid's side, if he spied on Damian and Anya.

Crack taken seriously.

Age: Canon Age

<"This means, lip reading.">

He'll be too far for Anya to read his mind. And Anya will be too busy, and there will be too many people for her to notice him.

⚠️WARNINGS:⚠️ Manga Spoilers, Early proposal joke, Overly paranoid Loid, Rushed logic (but only around the last half)


No one's POV

"Hello? Henderson speaking." Loid heard from the other side of the phone, once someone picked up.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Henderson."

"Loid Forger?" Henderson confirmed. "Likewise. But, why are you calling?"

"I just wanted to know when Anya will be back, from after school lessons? Last time, I already finished preparing dinner before she got home." Loid asked.

"Anya Forger?" The wizened man repeated, with a hint of confusion. "Miss Forger never stayed for extra lessons. She left after school hours."

"Hello...? Mr. Forger...?"

"My apologies. I... The phone slipped out of my hands... She's not at school you say...?"

"Yes, she's already left."

"...I see. Thank you for your time." He hung, then dialed a different number.

"Hello?" Someone on the other end picked up.

"Miss Becky Blackbell?"

"Oh! My Loi--I mean... Mr. Loid. What do you need~?" Becky asked, with a disturbing tone in her voice.

Loid shivered a bit, then continued. "... Is Anya there with you? I told her she's not allowed to go over to your house, without permission."

"What? Anya...? No. She's not here. She's on a date." Becky answered bluntly.

"Oh, I see---EXCUSE ME!? A-A d-date...!? With who...?"

"Well, she didn't tell me, hehe~" Becky giggled. "I don't know why that sly girl wanted to keep it a secret. But, I found out, when I saw her leave the school with Damian. So, I just let her be.--

Hello? Mr. Loid...? Mr. Loid? Are you still there...?"

'THERE THEY ARE!' Loid announced to himself, once he spotted his daughter and the young Desmond walking down the sidewalk and into a cake shop. He was hiding behind a corner.

'I take a break from watching her, FOR ONE DAY, and this is what happens!?' He crossed the road, and got closer to the shop.

He pulled out a pair of binoculars, and watched through the window from a distance.

Most of their conversation was about school. And subjects they're good at.

Damian offered to tutor Anya on her weakest subjects. 'YES!'

Which she--declined!?--with no remorse, what so ever! 'DANG IT ANYA! THAT WOULD HAVE IMPROVED BOTH PLAN A AND B!!!'

Then there was Anya's grade in Foreign language. Which was 63%.

<"I never knew, you were good in Foreign language. Maybe.... you could teach me...?"> Damian asked, and his cheeks were pink for some reason.

'Maybe he's embarrassed to ask for help...?' Loid thought.

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