Chapter 2:

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Later the next day~
     I pour more Henny into my cup and shoot it back. All of my crew is here including Aaron. He was basically giving me the silent treatment and we haven't talked all day besides a good morning text earlier. So I rode here with Jae,Lahna,Lele,and Eli. Lahna and Jay had broken up once again so she wasn't talkin to him right now. "Y'all,ima go find Demarcus.I'll be back",Jae says before heading off. Hopefully she don't get lost. Cj house bout big eshit. Jae and De come back a few minutes later and Jae is sitting on his lap and the group is just havin a good ol time.
                I throw back some shots I got at the bar and Lahna walks over to me. "Slow down sis. You gon have a hangover from the shots only",Lahna takes them from me. A tall guy with a medium build and locs walks over to us and smirks at Lahna. "Y'all look real good tonight. But um, shorty I seen you checkin me out from across the room and I just wanted to let you know that you the baddest up in here",he says, eyeing lahna. And I can tell she feelin him. She does this one face when she finds someone fine.
    "Thank you.And I mean you not too bad yaself",she flirts back with a wink. "You gotta name?", He asks. "It's Lahna. How bout you?",She asks. "Oswald but people call me O",he says. Bitch I almost spit out my drink! Did that nigga say OSWALD?! "You dance?",he asks. "Nah, but for you I will",she smiles and looks away. Sis is applyin dat pressa (Pressure). Purddd as she should. "Well, come dance wit me",he says in a seductive voice. Oooo chile, I guess he applyin it back. "Well alright thennn",she says following him to the dance floor with her drink.
          "Okayy so Lahna gots game",I laugh as I return back to my seat. "Umm, we not gon discuss that?", Lele looks from Lahna to us. "No girl, let her get that dick",Jae says, eyeing the dancing pair. "Y'all that nigga name is Oswald....", I laugh. "Mf did you say Oswald?",De burst out laughing. "Yes, oswald. Did anybody see Jay by the way",I ask looking around. "Nah. Last time I seen him he was upstairs.",De says. Lele is whispering in Eli's ear and he lookin at her some type of way chile. Sooo, Lele and Lahna both finna get the pipe tonight huh.
                  Lahna is gridin and body rollin wit Oswald ass and they both look like they enjoyin the hell out of it. "Ayo Lahna...",I hear Jay's voice. "Aw shit",we (Jae,lele,De, and Eli) say simultaneously. We all know all hells bout to break loose. "What Jay?",she stands up straight  from what she's doing. "Who the fuck is this",Jay yells. "Yo,step the fuck off bruh",Oswald says. No i'm not callin that nigga O....
     "Not when you dancin wit my girl nigga",Jay says,his voice start gettin deeper and his facial expression starts becoming more serious. "Who is your girl?", Lahna looks around tryna be sarcastic. "You not my girl huh?",he cocks his head to the side and lowers his eyes. "Yo, just back off. She clearly don't wanna talk to you homeboy ", Oswald says. Who the hell he think he is? "Don't talk to him like that O",Lahna says seriously
             "In all disrespect 'homeboy'. I'm not talkin to ya bitch ass so go on bout ya business",Jay says stepping towards Oswald. "And if I don't?", Oswald challenges. Jay chuckles a little like he crazy and says, "Try me..." Punches start flyin! Oswald swung first but Jay ducked it. Jay starts beatin Oswald's ASSSS! "KICK HIS ASSS BRODIE",I yell louder than all the "ooo's" and "oh shit's". Lele and Lahna turn to me with a look . "What?",I ask. Cj, the host who been missing for most of the party, comes out of nowhere. "Yo.Break this shit up bruh!",Cj says as two nearby dudes pull apart Jay and Oswald.
     "Yeah. You gotta leave Bro.",He says to Oswald. Oswald's friends come out of nowhere and walk up behind him. "Who gon make us leave?",Oswald says. Cj flashes his gun that's attached to his belt and five other guys including De flash theirs. "See, if you don't leave willingly, then we will",He says wit a smirk. Well shit. Oswald and his friends leave,mumbling something about this being a wack ass party.
        He just mad cause he got his ass kicked. "Why'd you do that?",Lahna asks. "Fuck you mean why I do that",Jay asks. "Come on",Jay pulls Lahna up the stairs. "Everybody get a drink,chill and have some fun. It's gon be aight.",Cj says and the party goes back to normal. Cj walks over to us and daps De up and gives Jae and I side hugs. "Hey Lele",Cj says lookin her up and down. "Hi Cj",she rolls her eyes. "Who's this?",he asks. "Elijah.My...Boyfriend",she says reluctantly. Ooo, she was hesitant on tellin him. I think Eli peeped cause his whole demeanor changes.
              "Ahh, so you're the replacement?",Cj asks smugly. Oh lawd. Eli looks pissed. "Don't worry you'll be gone in a few weeks.They always are",Cj smirks. Cj and Lele are on and off too. Cj always tryna scare her dates. "Fuck does that mean?",Eli stands up. "Cj stop..Eli calm down and ignore him.",Lele stands in between them. De musta been smokin cause he is in his own lil world right now. "Um, Cj you know where Aaron is?",I ask. Cj darts his eyes nervously. "Nah ion kno where he is",he says,clearly lying. "Cj.",I say sternly. "Last time I saw him he was upstairs with a lil group of people but I haven't seen the girl who was sittin wit him or him since",he admits.
       "Where was this?",I ask with a straight face. "Third floor, fourth door on your right",he says, not making eye contact. I catch the elevator up. What's he doing in there? Who is he with? Why can't Cj look me in the eye? I open the door cj told me too and Aarons sitting on the balcony with some light skin girl. Why the hell she look like a knock off Dani Leigh? He's sitting there with her laughing and akekein it up. And they're passing a blunt between each other.
                "My mouth was on that so we technically kissed",she says with a little laugh. Pressed ass hoe. "Ahem",I make my presence known. They both turn around and Aaron looks from me to knockoff Dani.

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