Chapter 9

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I wake up with a yawn as my eyes glance over to a nicely written note on my bedside

                            *********Jae*************               I wake up with a yawn as my eyes glance over to a nicely written note on my bedside

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"What in the hell is this?",I rub my eyes. And the note is signed with Demarcus's name. "Ooo. Something fun",I smile. I hop up,get in the shower and put on my vday fit,a red graphic t-shirt and a pair of biker shorts and my matching jordan 11s. And head off to the place where Demarcus and I first met, The barbershop.
"Babymomma.",I feel soft kisses on my cheek. "Hmm?",I stretch. "Wakeup Baby", I hear Jay's voice. "Happy valentines day",Jay kisses my cheek. "Happy valentines day",I smile up at him. I slide off my bed and see rose petals leading to the bathroom of my room. And a bath already ran for me with pink petals and bath bombs lining the bathtub.
"What's this for?",I smile at the sight in front of me. "Just the start to your day babe that's all",Jay smiles mischievously.
"Okay, first place we met",I say with a bright smile as I push open the dark brown door with the window on half of it. It feels like it was yesterday.
"Hey JJ",Bo said as we stepped through the door. He always knew it was me before he knew it was me. "Wassup lil man",Mark says with a smile. "Hey uncle Mark",Cam laughs. "I spot a guy in Bo's chair,eyeing me heavy like he want a bite or sum. "Just a shape up like the usual?",Bo turns to me. "Yep.But I want stars this time",Cam says. "You got it",Mark smiles.
"Be back by three?",I asked. "Yes ma'am",Bo answers with a smile. "Bet. I'll be back round 2:50 or 3:10 okay cam",I smile. "Oh and Uncle Mark, you might wan get ya boi's eyesight checked, cause he got a starin problem",I said before turning out of the shop and into my car.
"Jae look at my hair.",Cam touches his fresh cut. "My guy you look awesome",I smiled at my lil cousin. I handed Mark a twenty dollar bill and went to turn away. "Aye,what's ya name?",the guy from earlier came out of the back. "Jae",I turn to him. Ooooo he tall eshi and he fine eshiii. "Demarcus",he nods.
"So,i'm goin to this party tonight and you should come.",he smiles a lil. "Where is it?",I ask. "Down at the pier",he answers. "Number?",I ask. He hands me his phone to put my number in it. I do the same and led Cam to the car.
"There's my girl.",I hear Bo. "Hey y'all",I hug them. "Okay,here's your second clue",Mark hands me a card with an envelope in it. "Take it back to the place where we had our first kiss",the note says. "Have fun",Mark smiles. Well I know where that is. I drive over to the pier.
"How'd you hear about this party?",Lehlani had asked. "This guy at the barbershop had said there was a party tonight and said I should come through",I explained. "She thinks he's cute. That's why she came",Lahna rolls her eyes. "Are y'all at a party or not?",I said as we stepped out the car.
It was nicely lit considering that it was dark outside. And the fair was sat right behind it. "Ooo, this is my song",Lele said, hearing the mulatto play. "I throw that ass back to see if he gon catch it",Mulatto rang through the air. "Y'all gon come wit me to the dance floor or y'all just gon stand there",Lele asks. "I'm thirsty",Lani says and goes over to the chair by the cooler of drinks.
"That was weird...",I eye Lani as she walks off. "Okay, we'll worry about that later, let's have fun now",Lele grabs Lahna and I's hand and leads to a spot in the middle and we start dancing. I go to get a drink and Lani's sitting there looking on edge. "Yo you good?",I ask. "No, I'm not good.",she answers. I gave her a confused look, "Mike is here",she answered quickly. "Wait how. I thought he moved",I said a little lost.
"I thought that too",she said, a little distraught. "I know it's him. He has the same tattoo and everything",she groans. "Okay what's wrong with him being here",I ask looking around. "I don't wanna see him. It was such a bad breakup. And he's here with his new girlfriend. Look at her",she groans and motions towards something. I turn to see Micheal and his white girlfriend twerking on him.
"Really, a white girl....He downgraded like a mf.",I said eyeing the pair. "Oh please. She is pretty!",Lani puts her head in her hands. "Just drink some water. He hasn't seen you yet so it's not important. And you look good. So go kiss up on somebody. Go be a hoe. Shit I don't know, just do somethin damn",I said, disappointed that she was finally out of that relationship and didn't realize that now she could do whatever she pleased.
"Fine you're right. Ima go party",Lani hopped up from the blue chair she was in. "You came",I heard the voice from the barber shop. "Yessir",I smiled a little. He was with his friend who was a little shorter than him but taller than both me and Lani. Lani grabs her solo red cup and puts some liquor in it. Lani was still focused on Mike and his colonizer.
"Oh, this my boy Aaron",Demarcus introduced his friend. "Wassup",Aaron had smiled. "This is my cousin Lehlani",I introduced her. "Hey",she smiled brightly at Aaron. "Leh is that you?",we hear Mike. Lani's face just completely changed. "Yep it's me",Lani said with a fake smile as he walked over. "Hey I haven't seen you in forever",he said with a smirk. "Oh by the way, this is Brie",He introduced his colonizer. "Hi",the girl gave lani the evil eye.
"Who this?",Mike says as he realizes that Aaron and Lani are standing sorta close to each other. "This is Aaron",Lani answered with a smile. "Her boyfriend",he put his arm over her shoulder. We all look at him confused. "Yep",lani answered. "If you don't mind us,we bout to go dance",he takes Lani to the crowd of people dancing. Me and Demarcus exchange a confused look.
"Well she moved on fast", Mike answers with an awkward laugh.His girlfriend gives him a confused look. They walked off shortly after. "Well that was weird",I say aloud. "Very.",Demarcus laughs. "Weak", by SWV starts playin. "You wanna dance?",Demarcus looked over at me. "Sure",I smiled. And we started dancin. We kissed when we were dancing. It might have also had something to do with the alcohol that was on my tongue. And the rest is history.
~~~~The last clue(Cs I wasn't finna write this fullout)~~~
(Back at the house)
I pick up a note attached to a rose that reads, "Put on the special something in your closet and come outside. -And hurry your ass up-De". I get in the shower and get dressed in the special outfit in my closet. It's a red bodycon dress with a pair of black converses that are in a new box. This man knows me so damn well I swear. I spray some perfume,deodorant, the usual. I grab my jacket and head outside with my purse and phone in hand. I spot a white limo and Demarcus in a suit to match.
"What's all this for?",I ask with the biggest,dopeist, smile on my face. "You wanna find out?",he raises an eyebrow. I nod and he opens the door of the limo. "Don't just stand there get in",he rushes me as I start walking. "Don't rush me dickhead",I roll my eyes with a smirk. A few moments later we pull up to Cit'e. A beautiful restaurant that I heard was amazing. I just haven't been till now.
Demarcus gets out first and helps me out. The host seats us at our table and gives us some menus. "You know you look amazin' right",Demarcus smiles at me. "You don't look too bad ya self",I smile back.
*Time jump* Demarcus
"So, I was supposed to collab with her but then Andre crazy ass happened and she tried to catch an attitude when I gave her a fake reason as to why I was missing for three days. Talkin bout some 'I should sue for you wastin my time. Like compensate me or something' ",Jae mocks the white girl. "Right.",I agree with her. Man I love this girl.Yk the sayin happy wife,happy life. Well,maybe I should say happy future wife.
"Boo",I stop her cause her mouth been runnin a mile a minute. "Hm?",she pops up from her plate of pasta. "Look. We've been dating what, four years right?", I ask grabbing her hand. "If you break up wit me on valentines day I swear to god",she says jokingly while rolling her eyes. "It's nothin like that I promise",I laugh.
"We been together for a while now. And I am in love wit you mamas. That's why....",I get out my chair and on one knee. Her facial expression is filled with shock and happiness. "That's why I was wonderin if you would marry me Jae Jackson",I pull the ring box from my pocket and open it as her mouth drops completely.

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