Chapter 6

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                         ~~~The next day around 10 am~~~
          "Hurry up",I call to Jay. "You tell me hurry up but you're still gettin dressed",he says. "That's different",I say putting in my hoops. "Un huh",he says from the other room. "We stayin for the whole day right?",I ask. "Yeah I think so",Jay says. I put on my  comfiest sneakers, because I will not be in pain all day...
   "Babymomma.",Jay says. "Hmm?",I look up to see him leaning on the door frame behind me. "Why you look so good?",he bites his lip. He grabs my hips, and turns me to him. "When do I not",I smirk.  "You right",he laughs. I look at his outfit. "You are my Jr",I laugh since he has mostly all red on. "No nigga, you're MY jr",he says.
       "If you wanna be like me man, just say that",I smirk. "Yeah aight. Hurry yo slow ass up",he says turning towards the door. "This why ion like yo ugly ass",I roll my eyes
        "I finally got these shoes. I've been waiting forever!", I say as the cashier rings up my new Jordan 1's. "Girl, I don't see why the hell you wouldn't just buy them online",Lele rolls her eyes. "Because I refuse for them to be the wrong size. Plus it's so much easier to come into the store",I say, handing my credit card to the woman behind the desk.
       "Have a nice day",she says and hands me my card & receipt. "You too",I smile and grab my bag. "Okay what's next?",Lele says looking at her phone. "Um, Jae and lahna should be here somewhere. They might be with the guys when I think about it.",I say thinking back to when I saw them an hour or two ago. I call Jae and she picks up. "Where y'all at?",I ask, eyeing the shopping center. "We by the north face and the rainbow",Jae says lookin around. "Y'all know where the negros are?",Lahna asks. "Nah,we thought they was wit you",I say as Lele and I turn the corner.
          "Where y'all wan meet at then?",Jae asks as she starts walking. "It doesn't matter but somewhere close cause these bags are killing me.",I say seriously. "Let's meet at the cinnabon cart",Lele says as we spot one across the street. "Ard. We walkin up there right now",Lahna says and Jae ends the call.
       I text aaron,
Me: Where y'all at?
Husband💍 Crocs store how bout you?
Me:Bout to head to the cinnabon.
I'm bout to come where you at so you can carry these damn bags.
Husband💍:I'm sorry,bagholding Aaron is out for the day.
He said it's his off day
Me:And dgaf Lani, said she ain't ask allat
Husband💍:Yeah aight. I be ova there inna second. De ugly ass takin forever.
Husband💍: Yeah. Lmao.😂😂
Me: Well you learn somethin new everyday.
Husband💍:Pause, how much you spend so far?
Me: I didn't spend a lot. I just spent about 200 on my sneakers, 600 on these clothes and 20 dollars on food.
Husband💍:Lehlani. We talked about this. You know you gotta stop spendin all this money
Me: Aaron,I know we talked about this but it was just so pretty and it looks so goooodddd

    "Girl get ya face out ya phone and let's go",Lele says, making me look up from my phone. Lahna and Jae meet us there. We each get a row of cinnabons and or a big cinnabon and strawberry lemonades or lemonades.
"Oh they said they in the croc store by the way.",I sip. "Who outta the four of them wear crocs?",Lele laughs.
         "De apparently",I chuckle. "Don't be haters cause my nigga can go in sport mode.",Jae rolls her eyes as we laugh and head down to the croc store.
    Out of nowhere I feel a bag over my head and someone grabbing me. "JAE!",I scream. I hear my friends muffled screams and feel myself being lifted into a truck or a van almost. GAHHH DAMN! Ion even have white friends and I still got kidnapped shit! I feel my hands being tied together.

                                   (30 minutes of Time passes)
        "Yo, y'all heard from Lani?",I ask. "Nah. To think of it, ian heard from Lele either",Cj says. "Ian hear from my wife either",De says as he pays for his crocs. I pull out my phone and call Lani back and it rings but then goes to voicemail. Lani never lets her phone ring,she'll decline and send a text.
   "Sums up y'all. Lele ain't answerin the phone bruh",Cj says blowing. "Same fa me. It's goin straight to voicemail",Jay says slipping his phone into his pocket. "Lani said they were heading to the cinnabon",I mention. "Lets see if they still ova there",Jay says as we rush out the store wit our bags.
       "Aye my man. You seen these girls?", I ask showin a picture of Lani and Jae to the guy working at the cinnabon kart. "Ohhhh the one wit the nice ass and the braids. Yeah. They went that way and they were talkin about  goin down to the croc store",the guy says. "Fuck'd you just say?",I say bout to pounce. "Look he not important right now",Jay says tryna calm me down.
      "So they walked down here then what?",I say as we walk back to where they were. "Ion know but some weird shit goin on...Lele always is near her phone and picking it up",Cj says.
   This fuckin thing over my head reeks. The hell is goin on. I hear something open and I'm moving again. I'm sitting on a chair, with my hands cuffed to something metal. "Can anyone hear me?", I call out. "Yeah. Where are you?!",I hear Jae. "I don't know,I can't see anything",I yell. "Neither can I",Lele yells out. "Same",Lahna adds.
        "The more you squirm, the tighter the cuff gets",I hear a voice. "Welcome",the voice says as a bright light blinds me and the thing on my head is lifted. "Why did you kidnap us?!",Lele yells. "Don't worry about it. That's for me to know and you to find out",the voice says. I recognize it but I can't put my finger on it.
       I look around and my friends are looking around for ways out but we can't find an exit. "Now let's just take this and this.",the guy turns around and takes a few pictures of us. "Do you want money or something? Like what's this about?",Lahna says with an attitude. 
          "Ima need you to watch the attitude lil jay",he says. He turns around and I realize who it is. "ANDRE?",I scream. "Nerdy nigga?!",Jae asks shocked. "It's Andre...why the hell do y'all keep callin a mf that",he rolls his eyes.
   "Oh shit it is nerdy nigga!!",Lele says surprised. "Nerdy I thought you was dead",Jae says with a confused look. I try to hold back my laughter but I can't. "Ayooo",I burst out laughing. "I thought his ass got ran over..",Lele says wit a confused look. "Rightt, by that pickup tru-"
  "SHUT THE FUCK UP!",Andre yells. "Alright then, damn. Calm your nerves.",Lahna says. "So why are we here again? We never even met you foreal",Lele rolls her eyes." "No, really. Cause it ain't like you of any importance to us",Jae sighs. "Also can I have my phone back? I gotta check on this collab wit this white girl",Jae starts to go on.
       "Answer me this,do any of you bitches ever shut up?",he says with a calm tone. "Who is he callin a bitch?",I ask lookin around. "And do you ever answer the damn question someone asked you ten minutes ago?!",I add. "Right. It can't be about the guys cause your punk ass ain't even friends wit them and it can't be bout us cause we don't fw you. Only one person who could be of importance to you",Lahna says, not holdin her tongue and turnin to me. Lele and jae follow her lead and I look off to the side.
        "Actually it is about them. Well one of them. You know I was in love wit you right. And Aaron took you away from me.",he sighs and looks at me. "Sir, you knew me for two weeks",I roll my eyes. Lahna and lele burst out laughing.  "Ima hurt the only thing he loves then",he says wit a smirk. "Love my ass, only thing Aaron love is fuckin nike sweats and jordans",Lahna rolls her eyes. "And liquor",Lele adds. "And weed",Jae laughs. "You bitches is hurtful but don't forget light skin bitches",I smile.
       "Mhm yeah sure.",he rolls his eyes. "Anyways. I'll be back.",he says. "Wait so what's your goal and how you gonna plan it out?",I ask, lowkey lost. "I'm gonna hurt you till they find you, orrr, they find you dead. Either way, it suits me",he smiles. Why was I ever his friend?  "How are they supposed to find us?",I ask. "They will",He says smugly and disappears into a random room. "
            "Y'all we gon die", Lele sighs. "Ain't nobody gon die. We just gotta figure our way out of here",Lahna says calmly. "There aren't any doors so how are we gonna get out and I'm dying already.",Jae says seriously.  "Well, we could shimmy up the pipeline right there, climb through the vent and see where it leads",Lele says. We all give her a weird look. "What...I watch a lot of spy movies",she shrugs.
             "Well answer me this, spy genius. How the hell we supposed to get uncuffed.",Lahna says. "Right....I didn't think about that",she sucks her teeth. "This the last time I ever get kidnapped wit you borin hoes",Lele rolls her eyes. "Bitch I would hope so",I eye her.

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