Chapter 4:

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    "Wassup y'all,I'm back with anotha video. I think all of us are filming and Lani is the only tired one,even though she had two hours to sleep",I smile at the vlog camera in front of me. "I did sleep.It just wasn't long enough",she groans. "When we get to the resort, you can sleep for an hour max. ",Lahna says.
          "Not them regulatin my sleep time",Lani says into the vlog camera. "Okay,i'm gonna see you guys back at the resort",I throw my hand over the camera and stop the recording. "Where are Lahna and Jay?",I ask. "They caught a flight with Aaron and becky wit the good hair",De says. "Not beckyyy",Lani laughs. "We gettin separate rentals or one for every two people?",Andre asks. "One for every two people right?",Cj asks. "Yep and i'm driving cause we all know i'm the better driver",I say in a sing songy tone.   "Y'all hear your friend lyin",he turns to our friend group as we walk down the corridor.
              "So, what we doin first?",Cj asks as I pull out the rental lot. "I don't know. Maybe the pool. I definitely am starving tho",I smile.
   "Ooooo.Look at this room. It's so beautifullll",I look around the suite. It is huge and it's so pretty. Even though I told Demarcus that we could go fifty fifty for the room he wanted to pay for it. Not to mention, he did not show me what room he was getting. "Only the best for my wife",he grabs me by the waist.
         I lock my fingers behind his neck, "You know we're staying here two weeks which means we could spend the day around the hotel. Couples massages. Hot tub . A nice dinner.", I smile. "That sounds amazing", he smiles back. "Or, a more adventurous day. Theme park,atv's,day drinkin",I offer.
                "You can't give me two options that good and expect me to choose mamas." "How bout we wait to see what everyone plans on doing first",he releases from the hug. "Mkay cool. Ima go change",I smile.
          "Heyyy everyone. This is Lisa, Marrie,and Renae",Cassidy introduces her friends. "Y'all this is Jae,Lele,Lahna,Jay,De,Cj. And y'all know Aaron already",she smiles.Her tone changed when she said Aaron... "Hey y'all-",Lani says. "And this is Lehlani and Andre",she says her tone drops a little and so does her face.
   "Hi. Uh what's the move for today tho? I would say disney or universal but those tickets are for Friday and Saturday.",Lani says. "Right. I was thinking we could go somewhere to eat and hit the beach.",Lele adds. "Oo.That sounds good.",I voice. I look over to one of Cassidys friends who keeps looking at Demarcus. Why do people try me? Why?
      "What do y'all wanna eat? Something fancy? Somethin casual?",Andre asks,wrapping his arm over Lani's shoulder. You can tell Aaron sees it cause he just looks jealous. Lani doesn't look up at him so I think she feels guilty. I just know the tension is thick. "It's casual as hell but   Waffle House sounds good as a bitchh right now",Cj says. "I second that",Lahna says.
          "Bet then. Waffle house it is?",I ask and everyone nods. Demarcus and I hop into the rental car and drive to the waffle house we all agreed on.
    I don't agree with making Aaron jealous but he finally knows how it feels. That's still my nigga at the end of the day. I hope she don't get it twisted. Cause she will get her ass  beat and Aaron won't be able to stop me this time. Also, I know I'm not the only one who saw her friend looking at De.
     We pull up to the waffle house and a few other cars pull into the lot quickly. We walk in, get two tables pushed together and take a seat. And would you know it,Aaron and I get seated together. Is god tryna show me sum? "Okay can I get y'all started on some drinks?", a white girl with a heavy southern accent walks over to us with a notepad. She works her way down to me and I order a sweet tea and a lemon water.
       Jae orders a shirley temple ,Lahna orders a peach tea,Lele orders the same as me, and all the guys order sprites,cokes,or root beers. "I'll get y'all started on those right now",the waitress smiles and flips the notebook shut. "I don't get how the hell you drink root beer",Lele laughs at Aaron.

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