Chapter - 37

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P.S: Kandippa next update will be only after two days. Enjoy reading...

Recap: Vetri takes Janaki for enquiry.


Vetri and Farooq looked shocked from what Janaki said.

Janaki: Yes , I killed them to save Abhi and the orphanage which Maha did everything from her hands to save it for the children whom she loved equally to Abhi.

Vetri: What is the connection between the orphanage and Abhi's marriage and you killing them ?

Janaki: Everything started with Maha. She was best friend of mine, only friend and I don't know why but we both felt and shared a sisterly bond. She gave me so much love to an orphan like me who yearned for it. She had been my solace in solitude. She used to get details from me on Raghu who used to be busy in business always. The Raghu you all see today is not the one who was back then, he used to be always behind business and his friend Niranjan who kept him pushing to achieve more in business. 

Maha used to cry and at a stage she fell in depression during that time she found this orphanage and she being a kind hearted did everything for the children who lived there. She spent most of her time there and even took Abhi with her. Raghu totally ignored Abhi and Maha which made everyone worried for her.

I was devasted when I heard she was dead but after a week I found a letter in one of the saree she had left for me. She wanted me to take care of Abhi forever and the next thing is to take care of the orphanage. It was like a promise I made to her and I m doing it until now.

Vetri: How did those men come seeking hand in marriage for Abhi and Why did you kill those men ...may be start with one at at time..

Janaki: All those were the men we got to know from elite circle. They were good in business and got to know through friends circle. Arun was the first one we found for Abhi. I was very careful around Abhi and I collected every information about Arun after he met Abhi.

I got to know that Arun and Nitin visited the orphanage and tried to collect details about it. They even tried to threaten Maria to make them one of the trustee of the orphanage. They even tried to use political influence to shut the orphanage.

Vetri: How did you know they were behind the orphanage ?

Janaki: The peon who works there is my men who will give every information to me. When Abhi met Arun, Roshan and Nitin I followed her. Abhi met Arun in a restaurant and when she left from there I met him. I tried to confront him about his motive behind marriage and he said he will marry Abhi and take away all her wealth. I slapped him when he said he will use Abhi just for luxury. He pulled his gun to kill me. I took the vase from the table and hit his hand and the gun fell from his hand. I took the gun and shot him because I can't see my Abhi suffering in a money grubber's hand. 

Vetri: Did you tell this to your husband ?

Janaki: No, I have never spoke anything related to Abhi or orphanage to Raghu. Maha never spoke of her problems to anyone and in her letter she had clearly said that I should not discuss anything to anyone even with Raghu because he did not appreciate or like his mother's will.

Vetri: Roshan ?

Janaki: When Abhi and Roshan met they did not speak much. Abhi was not feeling comfortable around him so she left immediatly. After she left I saw him taking drugs and he was already drunk. Roshan's father was a powerful man like Raghu so I had no reason to stop his proposal and none would have believed if I had said he is a drug addict. I saw him harrasing a girl and saved her from him. What if he hurt my Abhi like that ? Why should my Abhi suffer with that bastard so I punched the screw driver which was on the floor and left from there.

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