(Final) Chapter 22: The Eternal

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Third Person POV

"So this is it, the final tale of this Omniverse? The final page in a story book that has been going on for quite a while now"

"Its funny, it all started with an Idea of making Destoroyah return. But as the one above us grew, he saw something many always ignore....an opportunity"

"Since this is the end, how about we put on a little show for everyone? After all, The Omniverse is a stage and the stage holds so much entertainment"




The atmosphere was heavy with tension as the three powerful beings stood in silence, their eyes fixed on their opponent. The Zero Point, Koneko, and Rias Gremory were each grappling with a complex mix of emotions towards their enemy. The Zero Point had a deep connection to The Primordial Darkness, one filled with love and care despite the hatred and animosity they often received in return.

For Koneko, it was a desire to save a loved one who may have been lost to them long ago. The weight of this burden was etched on her face, as she struggled to contain the fear and desperation that threatened to consume her.

Rias, meanwhile, was struggling to come to terms with the realization that she had been under the influence of a Dark God for some time. Even before her transformation into one with the God of the Void, she had felt an inexplicable force driving her towards actions and behaviors that she did not fully understand. As the pieces fell into place, she felt a sense of betrayal and anger at the powerful entity that had manipulated her so effectively.

Despite their disparate motivations, however, the three beings stood united in their determination to defeat The Primordial Darkness. They knew that the battle ahead would be long and arduous, and that the outcome was far from certain. But they also knew that they had each other, and that together they might stand a fighting chance against the evil that threatened to consume them all.

TPD: "Do you fools think you can honestly beat me?"

Rias: "We know that there's a chance can't stop you...but that doesn't mean we won't try!"

The Zero Point sighed.

TZP: "I didnt want this...I just wanted to make things right"

Koneko eyed the creator of the Omniverse.

Koneko: "To late for that now, looks like you have no choice..."

Rias: "Koneko's right, you have to fight..."

The Zero Point didn't say anything as he merely stared at his beloved, his brother, the one that came into the world with him. From the moment The Nothing made them, they both were always two sides of a coin...both so different and unique at the same time.

One light...

The other Darkness.

One, a force of good....

The other a surge of evil.

One brought life...

The other only bring death.

When one made....

The other destroyed.

One could say that both The Primordial Darkness and The Zero Point were just the same being split into two halfs, they couldn't be anymore wrong.

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