"I don't care of that red haired bitch gets married to Riser, I made a promise to another and I intend to keep it"
After the meeting with Riser, Issei only had ten days to train for the rating game. However, on the day he went to meet up with them h...
"No more...no more, no more, no more. No more hiding, no more running, no more distractions. The time has come, the moment I have been waiting for"
"I shall ascend to a level that no one has ever reached, I know that HE is watching and I want him to watch as he bares witnessed to his failure!"
Shiva smirked as he looked at the Primordial Darkness.
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Shiva: "Let's dance 'til we burn up..."
Absolute silence filled the air as both Sun Wukong and The Primordial Darkness stared at thr God of Destruction, the Monkey king had a shocked expression on his face as he had never seen anything like this before.
He knew that Shiva was a very powerful godly being, one of the most powerful who was known to create and destroy worlds because he merely wants to.
But this form, this firey aura engulfing him must be the Destruction that has built up within him for Eons. That or Shiva really liked fire or something, which shouldn't be surprising.
The monster on the other hand merely had a curious expression as he wondered what this new form of Shiva will even do.
TPD: "Well now, this is most...curious"
Shiva chuckle.
Shiva: "Glad you think so, never thought I would try this. But I'm glad I get a reason!"
Tandava Karma.
Shiva wasn't sure if this form of his will be enough to finally take down The Primordial Darkness, but he was sure as hell gonna give it his all. He was already down his last hand, the last trick up his sleeve.
Everything depends on this, will he win or will he fall in this battle? If the Primordial Darkness was truly playing with them like they were mere toys that he could throw away at any time then this toy was gonna fight back.
TPD: "Well, let's see-"
In 0.09 seconds Shiva landed a punch on the Primordial Darkness' face before following with a barrel of kicks on the face sending the Darkness flying but Shiva didn't stop there as he rushed after the Primordial Darkness and engulfed his fist into flames before punching his back causing a massive shockwave and sending the Darkness flying from the impact.
Shiva: "You know, you talk too much..."
Sun Wukong's eyes widen, how fast was Shiva during that? Even he didn't notice it and he is known to be faster than light itself.