Part 2

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They met at the station to get a train to XianLe; it was just before Christmas, so the place was packed, and no doubt all the trains would be too. They haven't seen each other for a few days – trying to at least get break assignments started – and Xie Lian widened his eyes when he saw him.

"San Lang, what's all that!"

Besides his backpack with a change of clothes, Hua Cheng was carrying a big tote bag and an orchid, light yellow with purple streaks, beautifully wrapped in cellophane and even a ribbon. Xie Lian looked inside the tote bag nosily: presents, wine, chocolates – nice ones, on an acrylic box.

Hua Cheng smiled, "Google tells me It's a Christmas tradition to give people presents". He was of course joking, but he did do a lot of googling for Christmas present tips on the previous days. He added, "Gege, I'm not coming to your parents' empty handed am I?"

"And this?", Xie Lian pointed at the orchid.

"For your mum", Hua Cheng replied with a small smile – as if he was uncertain anyone would not like such a beautiful flower, all wrapped up!

Xie Lian smiled and said, "I see. I think my parents will kick me out and adopt you instead".

Hua Cheng pffted a laugh, "Are you jealous of your parents adopting me, or of me trying to please them too much?"

Xie Lian poked him in a mock annoyance, "Of you of course. I see a flower, wine, chocolates... what did you bring to please me huh?"

With his free arm, Hua Cheng pulled Xie Lian close, and replied on his ear, chuckling, "I brought myself, why, isn't it enough to please you?"

Xie Lian pushed him away playfully, "San Lang! Stop it", and, looking at the train time display to hide his embarrassment, added, "Right, platform 6. Let's go, it's the furthest platform, we have to walk fast!"

"Alright, let's go Gege".

The train was packed, and they had to cram themselves together with their stuff within two seats; from there to XianLe it'd be roughly an hour so they didn't care too much. And Xie Lian seemed overexcited, talking nonstop: of the assignments he had, of previous Christmas – with and without his parents, when he was backpacking.

This reminded Hua Cheng, "Oh right, Gege, how did you know I didn't go to see my family last year?"

Xie Lian just smiled enigmatically, and said, "Try to guess".

Hua Cheng was sure he didn't say anything, so he naturally couldn't guess. He replied, "Well then, don't complain if I use other methods to find out the truth...", winking naughtily.

Xie Lian said, "Shhh!", poking him and looking around, afraid anyone was listening.

From XianLe station they walked for about 15 minutes, till they got to Xie Lian's parent's, a semi-detached house partly covered by an ivy, with a discrete Christmas wreath on the door.

"It's here", Xie Lian said, pausing in front of the house. He smiled at Hua Cheng and grabbed his hand, adding, "My parents aren't this Christmassy, my mum just puts up this wreath, a tree and that's it".

He rang the bell before fishing for his keys, and they heard some barking; as he opened the door, Ruoye run around them and jumped happily, while Xie Lian got down on one knee to pet her.

"Alright alright. Ruoye, this is San Lang, say hello to him".

She barked, and Hua Cheng smiled and put his hand out for her to sniff it, then petted her awkwardly; he never had a pet, but he felt incredibly fond of Ruoye right away, probably because she was Xie Lian's. She run around and jumped at him too, and he chuckled,

"Hey Ruoye, aren't you a cute girl!"

He fished something from his tote bag: a rubber gingerbread man, which Ruoye immediately bit, making a squeaky noise. Then she dropped it, and licked Hua Cheng's hand.

Xie Lian smiled, "Alright Ruoye. San Lang, come on in".

He opened a door at the hallway and walked in, saying, "Hi mum, we're here".

Hua Cheng heard her answer, kissing Xie Lian, and straightened up, following him into the room. Then Xie Lian said, "Mum, this is San Lang".

Before even looking at her he had a mild panic attack: should he just say hi, or shake hands formally, or kiss her? He hadn't thought it ahead, he should have asked Gege...

Xie Lian's mum walked over to him and said with a bright smile, "San Lang, welcome, lovely to finally meet you in person. I heard so much about you!", and gave him a big, warm hug.

Well, why worrying? She was Gege's mum!

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked Hua Cheng meeting Ruoye – isn't she cute? 😍

Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Christmas LightsWhere stories live. Discover now