Hualian AU ~ Series Title List

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Thanks for reading! 😁 This fic is part of a series, please have a look at the titles... 😘

(I apologise for not being able to link them, but they're all on this lowly writer's page!)

1. Hualian AU ~ 1. The Ghost Groom

2. Hualian AU ~ 2. Tales of The Half-Moon Pass

3. Hualian AU ~ 3. A Trip To Ghost City

4. Hualian AU ~ 4. At The Green Ghost Lair

5. Hualian AU ~ 5. Flashback 1, Back in XianLe

6. Hualian AU ~ 6. The Battle of the Lanterns

7. Hualian AU ~ 7. The Reverend of Empty Words

8. Hualian AU ~ 8. At Black Water Island

9. Hualian AU ~ 9. Mount Tong'lu Reopens!

10. Hualian AU ~ 10. The Brocade Immortal/At the Gates of Mount Tong'Lu

11. Hualian AU ~ 11. Flashback 2/Out of XianLe

12. Hualian AU ~ 12. May All Taboos Be Shattered

13. Hualian AU ~13. Extra // Heart In Paradise

Then there's this side-One Shots... 😈

Hualian AU ~ One Shot Fantasies

... And finally, Hualian AU Xtraz! 😎

Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Xie Lian's Amnesia

Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Hua Cheng's Birthday

Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Hua Cheng's Podcast

Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Christmas Lights

Whether enjoying an individual fic, or the whole series, I'm happy to have you here!!! 😁

Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Christmas LightsWhere stories live. Discover now