Part 4

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Dinner was lovely, with Xie Lian's mum getting another bottle of white wine to go with the fried noodles, and for dessert they had passion fruit ice cream with chocolate filled waffle tubes – this was Xie Lian's idea, if it was up to his dad, it'd be vanilla.

"LianLian, this is such a good combination!", his mum commented.

"Hum", Hua Cheng kept nodding while helping himself of another portion; he had reached the point of not being embarrassed of having seconds at all.

"I know right!", Xie Lian replied, "I went on this trekking trip once, and at the city there was a lady who sold amazing cakes. Once she served a very chocolatey cake with passion fruit ice cream, and I never forgot, it was damn good!"

They had coffee, and Hua Cheng offered to clear the table and do the washing-up. Xie Lian protested: Hua Cheng helped to cook, and it's an unwritten rule in all households that only who didn't cook must do the washing-up!

"Gege, stay with your parents a bit", he said, putting a pile of dishes in the sink, and looking at the three of them. With Xie Lian between his parents, Hua Cheng couldn't help but look at his mother, at him and at his father, really comparing the looks.

His dad put a hand behind Xie Lian's neck, their heads together affectionately, and said, "I know what you're thinking: he looks like his mother!"

"You mean he got his good looks from his mother", she added, smiling smugly.

Hua Cheng didn't know what to say: was Xie Lian's father offended or annoyed or something?

His dad continued nonchalantly, "Yeah face, eyes, hair, alright. How about his hot bod? These broad shoulders, this well-toned chest, abs?", while squeezing Xie Lian's biceps and patting his abs!

"Dad!", he replied, "Did you actually say hot bod?", and pffting a laugh he pushed him away, saying, "Excuse me? I work out, I go to the uni gym and – "

"Nevertheless", his dad interrupted, on his usual way of winning arguments with fancy words, "You got my good genetics regarding that". Come to think of it, his dad was indeed fit.

Xie Lian and his mum kept laughing hard – it was clear this family discussion had happened many times before – and even Hua Cheng laughed too.

He mediated, "Both of you had perfectly combined genetics here", he gestured at Xie Lian, smiling and winking.

Xie Lian walked over to him, kissing him on the cheek. "Don't mind my parents, they're crazy", he said, putting his arms around Hua Cheng's shoulders.

"Well, while the lovebird here finishes the washing up, I'll make another pot of coffee", Xie Lian's mum said, "Come LianLian, come darling, let's cuddle a bit on the sofa".

They watched a film afterwards, Xie Lian laying down on his mum's lap, and Hua Cheng on the other sofa with Ruoye. He loved Ruoye, but of course he'd prefer to be cuddling with Gege – only, it was cute seeing Gege with his mum playing with his hair, funnily enough just like Hua Cheng himself liked to do. And Xie Lian loved it, almost falling asleep every time: now he knew why.

He never had his mother cuddling up with him or playing with his hair, but he didn't feel jealous at the least: it was Xie Lian, so all Hua Cheng could think of is how Xie Lian deserved it, and how all he himself wanted was to give Xie Lian all the love he wanted, and make him happy...

This film time also gave Hua Cheng a chance to think of bedtime. Would he have to sleep on the sofa, or in some guest room, or – worse – on the same bedroom as Xie Lian, but on a sleepover bed below Xie Lian's own, close to him, but well, far away, not able to touch him? After all, if he was honest with himself, things could get out of hand when they slept together...

The film was over – it was a spy film Hua Cheng paid no attention to at all, but his filmmaking background allowed him to comment on the actors' performances at least – so Xie Lian's parents bid them goodnight, yawning, with 'tomorrow's gonna be a full day' kind of talk.

Xie Lian got up too, "San Lang, we better go to bed as well".

"Alright", he answered, giving Ruoye a goodnight pat on her head, and following Xie Lian.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed Xie Lian's parents bickering. 😊

And now it's bedtime! 😉 Don't forget to vote...

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