My Best Friend's Brother (Modern AU)

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Hi again, it's me.

This one is featuring Black Sword in a modern AU.

Normal POV

Nina does things that a best friend always does. Never betraying her best friend. Keeping her best friend's secrets. Supporting her in every way.

And why would she?

Her best friend is the most awesome girl she's ever met in her life. A girl who also does the things she does.

Nina can really say that she loves her best friend and that she couldn't wish for a better one.

Now she and her best friend Diana are in Diana's room working on a school project.

"Damn it." Her red haired best friend curses.

"What's up with you now?" Nina asks her, clearly understanding that something is ticking off her best friend.

"I'm trying to make this thing work all the time but it never does or always ends up wrong." Diana replies punching the floor dangerously close to their project.

The blue haired girl turns around to see what's the problem.

"Did you read the instructions or did you just think, because it looks like this you build it like this?" She asks her confuzzled.

Diana not sure what she did just says. "Yes."

"Ugh how are we supposed to do it when none of us have any idea how to do it right?" Nina asks Diana.

"How about I call my brother maybe he can help us." The red haired girl says suddenly.

Nina looks at her best friend surprised to what she just heard.

"Your brother?" She yells.

Diana not sure what Nina is surprised about says. "Yes... My brother. My twin brother."

"Wait you have a twin brother? I thought you only had Mio, your little sister." The blue haired girl asks her best friend with clear surprise in her voice.

"How the hell do you not know my brother? We've been best friends for 13 years and we're 16. Surely you must have seen him." Diana asks her best friend more confused than her.

"Wait is he the black haired guy I sometimes mistake for your dad?" Nina asks.

"I don't know how you do that but yes. He is." Diana replies.

"Enough about that, can you get him please, I'll get more snacks and drinks for us." She adds.

"Why can't you get him? He's your brother not mine." Nina asks her.

"Because when I ask you to get the snacks and drinks you would mysteriously set the kitchen on fire, just like the time you almost set it on fire." Diana explains.

"I wasn't that bad that time." Nina tries to refute.

"Nina we didn't even make your 'trust me that combo is godless' instant ramen. Hell you even set water on fire, which I still don't know how that is possible." The red haired reminds her.

Nina seeing that she can't win that argument gives in. "Fine I'll get him."

Diana stands up. "You'll either find him in his room or in the basement." And makes her way to the kitchen leaving her best friend with that line.

"Ok just leave me there with no directions where the room is." Nina sighs about to leave her room.

When suddenly a male figure with long spiky black hair and eyes pops up from the door startling the blue haired girl.

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