Jealousy (Quirkless AU)

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Hi again here with a fresh new installment.

This one as the title says features Ghost.

Anyway have fun reading.

Normal POV

Reiko, Yui and Celina sit at their table in UA College, waiting for their friends.

"What's happening with them they usually aren't this late just because their lesson is in a different building." Celina says getting a bit impatient.

"Well maybe they had to do something else on the way, maybe the teachers held them up." Yui tells her friend thinking more rational then the brown haired girl.

"Yeah yeah. I know that but can't they do faster what they have to do?" Celina asks loudly.

"Hey, what's gotten you so worked up?" A male voice asks them.

"Oh Sen. You know just waiting for Y/N, Nirengeki and Awase." Yui tells him kissing him.

"I see." Sen says digging in his food and the others following suit.

"Sorry we're late. We were picking Tetsutetsu, Shiozaki and Kendo up." Y/N says as he sits next to Reiko and Yosetsu next to Sen and the rest of the group at the table next to them.

"And we've come with some news." Yosetsu adds.

"Let's hear it." Celina says being completely impatient.

"Since we all have Art this is for all of us here. Kayama-sensei put us in a partner project. She even told us our partners for this project." Nirengeki tells them looking at everyone.

"Yes our partners are following. Shiozaki and Yui, Tetsutetsu and Kendo, Awase and Celina, Nirengeki and Sen." Y/N lists.

"What about you and Reiko-chan?" Yui asks him.

"About that they didn't get partnered. Yanagi is with a dude named Kunigami and Sullivan is with with Shishida." Yosetsu says.

Y/N scowls at the first partners the headband wearing teen said.

"Oh..." Reiko says, probably sad that she didn't get partnered with any of her friends.

Celina and Nirengeki noticing the way the white haired boy looked come to one conclusion.

"He's jealous." They think to themselves.

"Do we have to select the theme about the project or can we do what we want for that project?" Sen asks them.

Awase being the only concentrated one in this replies. "We're free to use any theme we want, but we can't do inappropriate stuff like sexual stuff in our project." He tells them.

"Alright. That's good to hear." A new voice says.

He has short blue hair with red eyes.

"Hello my name is Kunigami Akuto and I'm looking for my partner for the art project in Kayama-sensei's class. Yanagi is her name or something." Kunigami says looking at the group.

"Here." She says expressionlessly.

He takes a seat between Y/N, making the former fall on the floor and Reiko and looks at her. "Nice meeting you partner. I didn't think I'd get to be with a beauty like you." He says to her holding out his hand.

Reiko doesn't know what to do just says "Uhh yes nice meeting you too." very awkwardly.

"I didn't think I'd get thrown off my seat by someone so blind." The white haired male curses at him standing up.

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