Valentine's Day Special

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This is this year's Valentine's Special and it won't be written in the POV of any of my characters.

No this is my POV in which I want this year's Valentine's Day to go for me.

More likely a "What if..." And all that.

And yes. I have someone in my heart.

I also censor them names of other people.

Let's start.

Nigao (My short form so I don't get cancelled) is just a normal 19 year old, 176cm tall, dark skinned, teenage boy with black hair in a small commune in Germany.

Nigao (My short form so I don't get cancelled) is just a normal 19 year old, 176cm tall, dark skinned, teenage boy with black hair in a small commune in Germany

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Currently he is working in a bakery, taking today's baking shift in the afternoon.

The bakery is swarmed with customers waiting for their bread and rolls.

And two other girls are serving the hoard of customers.

Nigao stares at one of them.

A beautiful girl with mid-length brown hair and equally colored eyes, as tall as him wearing the same uniform, packing bread in its back.

A beautiful girl with mid-length brown hair and equally colored eyes, as tall as him wearing the same uniform, packing bread in its back

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For staring so much, he almost forgets to put salt on the pretzel tray.

Quickly recovering from his staring he puts the pretzels in the oven and lets them bake.

"Man I hope nobody saw me staring at Sin." Nigao thinks about his slip-up.

"Afternoon my friend." An older customer greets the dark skinned retail trainee.

"Hello Ziggy. I'm guessing your 4 mixed rye loaves and a butter pretzel?" Nigao greets him.

"You know it boy." Ziggy replies dropping off an orange basket.

"Sure let me get them for you." Nigao says taking the basket and walk to the back.

Returning with the loaves in the basket he hands him the basket.

"Customer card with you?" The dark skinned asks the older customer typing his customers order in the register.

"Yup right here." Ziggy says handing the trainee the card.

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