My sister's best friend (Modern AU)

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Hello ladies and gentlemen.

It's a me again with a new installment of this series yes this time again from my MT book.

I think you can already guess which side it is.

Not that there was a specific POV of the whole situation but still.

Normal POV

"I tell you Jino. Hearing Eminem, Starset, Arrested Youth and Skillet made me think about it." Y/N says to his best friend.

"Come on you'll do great. Just grow some and then you can show the world your talent. The worst thing that can happen is that you get just 10 views." Juno replies.

"Hey Y/N-kun." Nina calls to him walking over to him and Jino who are standing at their lockers.

"Oh hey Nina. What are you doing here?" Y/N asks her.

Nina looks at him in confusion.

"We have Spanish now and it's on the way here then I saw and thought we could go there together." She tells him.

"Oh yeah right. I forgot about that. Sure we can. Let me just get my books then we can go." The black haired says opening his locker.

The brown haired checks the time. "Yeah I got history now. Welp. Wish me luck to survive." He says going away.

"More like wish you don't fall asleep." Y/N yells to him, earning him a middle finger as reply.

Y/N closes his locker and says. "Let's go."

As they walk. "Say, I've know Dia-chan for most of my life, how come I never knew about you or seen you at all? I only knew about your little sister." Nina decides to finally ask the question that was bugging her ever since they first met.

Y/N thinks about what she said. "I don't know... Now that I think about it. Diana doesn't know much about Jino either, except that me and him are best friends. It's like me and you. I didn't know much about you either." He says to her.

"It's been two months since then so now we know each other. A lot better so we can safely say that we're past that." She says with him agreeing.

"Looks like we're here to deal with this old hag who thinks she can still get a man." Y/N comments in front of the classroom.

*After school*

Nina and Y/N are walking towards the latter's home.

"So... I wanted to ask you. Have you brought out your songs already or one?" Nina asks him.

"No and I never will." He replies to her.

"Oh come on what you've shown me was incredible. I can't get enough of it." She refutes.

"No means no! You won't convince me to." Y/N argues back.

"You're really stubborn you know that?" The blue haired girl comments.

"Hi Nina, my name's really stubborn." He jokes.

"Ugh... How about we do one together and then post it online. And since it's OUR song, we both share the rights and WE can take it away instantly if you're not satisfied with it." Nina suggests to her best friend's brother.

"That way you have nothing to lose. And you can have an identity if you're so embarrassed about the whole thing." She adds.

Y/N really takes the time to let all of what she said sink in his mind.

"Well she's not wrong and she's not right either. But she's making valid points here. And I know I can't do this forever so why the hell not now. If we don't have a listener for a while then we can take the song away from there. So she's right but also going wrong..." He's thinking really hard about it.

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