Operation: P

59 1 0

Hello there.

No time to waste.

This one features MCLRS


2nd year Iino Miko has done it.

For the first time since elementary school.

She can't believe that she finally achieved her school long dream.

She has finally become the Student Council President.

With her best friend Kobachi on her side, the former student council members minus Miyuki behind her and her boyfriend.

All of them standing and supporting their new Student Council President and more importantly their friend or in one's case girlfriend.

Her ideals changed, over the time she's been with the 68th student council and had become less and less strict on her rules.

"I don't know about you, but this calls for a celebration." Chika cheers.

Yu smiling nods in agreement.

"Of course it does. My girl's just won the election for the first time. After all that hard work I think she deserves it." Y/N smiles.

"I agree Nii-san. Iino does deserve that much and we could use it too." Kaguya replies.

"No time for celebration talk now. We need to put away the chairs. Isn't that right Vice-President Shinomiya, Secretary Fujiwara, Treasurer Ishigami, Auditor Osaragi and General Affairs Officer Shinomiya." Miko cuts in.

"Well guess we got to finish this before we can go out to celebrate." The black haired boy says.

The group walks towards the gym.

"You know this kind of reminds me of last year. When we were going up against you and now standing under you." The blue haired states.

"I know right?" The pink haired says.

"I know what you mean. The time I blew a bomb, just so Miyuki can swoop in and steal the show." Y/N says.

"But it was a good choice from you both. Otherwise Miko-chan would have lost horribly." Kobachi says.

That hits home on Miko "What? That's so mean Koba-chan!" She says.

"There there." Chika pats her new President's head.

"It's going to be hard for me to get used to calling my cute little rule stickler, president now." Y/N says, about to pull out a cigarette.

The shortest person smacks his hand back down and Y/N puts his cigarette back.

"What did I tell you about smoking at school grounds?" She asks him.

"Only to do it when you're not around?" He asks.

"No you idiot." Miko exclaims.

"Fine Fine." The black haired boy says.

"Y/N-senpai you know you can't smoke at school unless it's on the roof or outside school grounds. That strong smell is really hard to get rid off over time." Yu says.

"Well it looks like we're here to do our job." Kaguya says.

"Let's get to work." Miko orders.

*Vrrrrrt Vrrrrrt Vrrrrrt*

Y/N picks up his phone and sees his company's number. "Oh sorry guys I got to take this call. It's my company. You can start I'm coming back when this is done." He says walking away.

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