limbo walking in hell

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The smell of rain permeated the forest as a small black car drove up the winding street. The woman behind the wheel stared forward without a word to the girl in the back.

"You know if you didn't spend so much time on your phone we wouldn't be here." She snaps. The girl ignores her and closes her eyes. Her pupils flick back and forth under her eyelids.

"Don't do that in here, with me." The woman spits. The girl sighs, opening her eyes.

"I guess I'll be going then. I know the way." She snaps back and opens the car door while the car skids to a stop.

"You better stop doing that crazy shit around me. You remember what happened at that Seven-Eleven." The woman taunts.

"I love you too mother. Enjoy your time and try to forget about the deep disappointment I cause you." With that, the girl trudges away. The woman sighs and gets back into her car and skids away. 

Dragging her suitcase the girl slowly makes her way down the path. Gravel crunches under her feet as the forest closes in on all sides. She starts humming and talking to herself, twigs start floating in the air- some are supported by small red clouds and others just stay there without any visible support.

That's when a piercing scream cuts through the forest, the girl raises her hands and slowly starts turning around, searching for the source of the sound. The trees start swaying slightly and the shadows seem to be moving. Long swaying fingers of the pines reach for her face. Goosebumps raise across her skin and her hair stands up. 

The forest stretches on into infinity. Any creature could be in there waiting for its next unsuspecting victim. Her breathing becomes shallow as twigs snap and leaves rustle as something comes closer and closer. Until.

"What are you doing here?" A boy's voice cuts through the silence. The girl twists and throws her hands up. The boy flies across the path, slamming into a tree. He collapses into a heap, slowly raising his curly-haired head. 

"Ow! What the hell? What is wrong with you?" He starts, slowly approaching her.

"I'm sorry. You scared me, you probably shouldn't sneak up on people in the woods after somebody screams off in the distance. That's just asking for it." She yells back.

"Jeez. Sorry I was worried I thought someone was getting attacked." He looks around uncomfortably. "You headed up to Nevermore." He asks sheepishly.

"Yeah? What's it to you?" She replies.

"Wow. Okay. I'm trying to look past the whole throwing me against the tree with your mind thing but oh well." He spreads his hands in exasperation.

"It's a reflex, someone comes up creeping towards you in the woods the chances are that they are not there for a little chat." She hissed.

He held up his hands in mock defeat. "I'll take you up to the school, just in case. My name's Tyler and I didn't quite catch-" He was interrupted by the girl scoffing.

"I didn't throw it. But I can throw people against trees, so please leave me alone. Go back to wherever you've crawled out of." She retorts.

He sighs, putting his face in his hands, "If you ever need to throw someone against the tree just come by the Weathervane and ask for Tyler." He turns his back to her, bad idea.

"Cameron." She mutters. He turns around, pretending he didn't hear anything.

"What was that?" He asks, smirking. 

"My name, Cameron. There. I threw it." She sighs, "And stop smirking before I punch it off your face." That seemed to be exactly what he had been waiting for.

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