pain, suffering, and jesus (but jesus missed his bus)

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Cameron trudges into Jericho for her late shift at the Weathervane, shivering with a twinging hangover. She sets her bag down behind the counter and walks into the back to change, Tyler is nowhere to be found. She changes from her regular clothes into her work uniform. 

She starts prepping the cafe when suddenly the door spring open and Tyler stomps through the room and disappears into the storage room with a huff. She shrugs and continues turning on the machines and grinding coffee for the drip. He steps out and walks past her, ignoring her to turn on the register.

She shakes her head and decides to ignore it. 

They're three hours into their shift when he mutters the first words that they've spoken to each other the whole day.

"What's that?" He's talking too quietly for her to hear properly. He turns around, sighing at the sight of her- as if he can't stand her suddenly. 

"I said, could you refill the drip? It's running out and I can see people getting antsy." He whisper-shouts, and turns back to the customer he was serving. She shakes her head at his tone, she lets the lull of the customer's speech take her mind off things. 

She refills the coffee- and instantly several people rush to refill their cups. She walks back behind the counter, turning on machines as she saw order papers fly in. But service was getting slower, there is always a fall in customers over lunch. She leans back on the counter drumming her fingers as Tyler expedites the last coffee and croissant to an older woman with her young son.

She's about to ask Tyler about what the hell is going on with him- but that's when the doorbell rings and a large group of teenagers barge into the shop. She doesn't think much of it and mentally prepares herself to make the wackiest drinks known to mankind. 

"Hey-" One of the girls yells once they reach the counter, "there you are!" Cameron looks up sharply, her face drops, and her hands start quivering, she clenches them together. This can't be happening.

Another girl barges to the front, "We were looking everywhere for you!" She leans in for a hug over the counter but Cameron stays still, her face stony as she takes in the unfortunate scene in front of her. She wants to blow the place to pieces, she should have noticed who the teens were earlier- hid or tried her best to prepare.

Her head starts buzzing, the same feeling as when she's going to hear the voices. It's never happened to her at work and she's hoping it won't start now. 

"I'm not following-" Tyler interjects into the silence. The group glares at him, and he raises his hands defensively, "I'm just the barista, I meant no offense," Cameron can tell he's being sarcastic, but the group can't. She just stays silent, willing her hands not to move.

"Since Cam's at a loss for words-" The girl gestures at the group gathered behind her, three more girls and one guy who looks more confused than anything, "We're her friends, from her old school, we've come for a nice friendly visit." Tyler looks at Cameron- who's trying her best not to break down in tears. But his presence does comfort her- even if he's mad at her for whatever reason. 

"Yeah-" She gestures to them, "That's Maya, the one who looks like she's had too much caffeine already is Sophie, that's Teresa, Blake-" She gestures to the guy, who waves back absentmindedly, "And that's ... Anna?" She's confused as to why they brought her, they had never liked Anna.

"Oh-" Tyler looks severely uncomfortable, "Nice to meet you all, do you want some coffee?" They rattle off their order, and Cameron sets off making it, the familiar motions leaving her mind far too empty. She can't believe they found her here. The group goes to sit down, laughing and joking in the booth as they squeeze in. 

"I'll bring it to them," Cameron offers, but Tyler grabs her arm before she can grab the tray, his eyes, full of concern. 

"Hey, are you okay?" He whispers, his breath feathering across her face, he smells like coffee, an overpowering smell that has begun to bring Cameron comfort.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asks, leaning onto the counter with one arm, Tyler mirrors her motion, his gaze flicking to the group by the window.

"Them, I saw your face when you recognized them-" She leans her head down, her forehead brushing Tyler's apron, as he breathed she could feel his skin pressing into her forehead. "Plus, it's five coffees, I'll help you." He mutters, so quietly that she herself can barely hear it. 

They bring the coffee down onto the table, wiping their hands on their aprons. Tyler starts to walk away, but Maya stops him. "Cam, I don't remember you introducing us to your-" She looks them up and down,"-friend." She says dubiously, Cameron's face remains stony, and Tyler stifles a chuckle from beside her.

"Oh yeah- you're right," Tyler answers for her, "I'm Tyler, it's nice to meet you all." Sophie laughs quietly, blinking at them from beneath her lashes. The group sits in awkward silence, Cameron is praying for someone to come through the door and end her misery, but the door stays closed. 

"C'mon Cam, your cute barista can mind the shop while we catch up on good old times," Maya suggests, pointing to a chair that Cameron pulls out from a nearby table. She sits at the head of the table in sullen silence. "So, tell us, how's it at you're new boarding school?"


"Oh come on- give us the tea-" Teresa whines, "What about the guys- though you can't get much better than that cutie." She whispers the last part, the old Cameron would have blushed, but she wasn't feeling very warm and fuzzy.

"It's fine, there's nothing else to say." She snaps, getting up and returning the chair to its original table, "I have to go."

"Oh don't run away from us just yet-" They obviously don't see the problem, which is exactly why Cameron is trying to get as far away as possible, "Don't leave us for the hot bartender please." Maya continues, pretending to beg. 

"I'd leave you for a lot less," Cameron whispers to herself, stalking away to the coffee machines and the safety of the kitchen.

"Everything okay?" Tyler asks, leaning on the counter next to her. The girls continue to giggle and drink their drinks and chat absentmindedly. She sighs loudly, putting her face in her hands.

"No." He looks at the group, aware of their eyes on them. "I want them to leave." Her eyes glow red, anger stretching her features unnaturally. The group gets up but they don't go anywhere. They look around in confusion before sitting back down to finish their drinks.

"Hey-" He puts his arm around her shoulders, "It's okay- they'll go away." He puts his head on her shoulder as she looks up to try and blink away the tears.

"I shouldn't have done that- I hate it when I do that." She wipes her eyes, putting on a facade of bravery. "I'll be fine- I just can't stand looking at them." He nods, moving away to wipe the pristine counter down one more time. 

They leave after what seems like an eternity, they leave without a word to either of them. Still, Cameron cannot breathe freely, she knows they know where she is- and that probably means more unsolicited visits. Once they're out the door Tyler goes back to ignoring her, this annoys her more than it should, she is cold and his attention warms her spirit.

She wonders what she had done to warrant his rage, she can't think of anything- but then again she doesn't know him well enough to gauge what might annoy him. 

They close up the cafe as the night falls, as Tyler finishes locking up, Cameron lingers by the store, intent on learning what she had done to set him off. But before she gets a word out he stalks up to her, grabbing her shoulders, she ignores the spurt in her stomach as he leans in.

"Be careful- I heard something out in the woods last night-" He shushes her, "And it wasn't your friends, it wasn't the werewolves from Nevermore either." He looks around, nobody's on the street at this hour.

"There's something else in the woods." 

A/N: Okay so I want to do another chapter where someone stalks an Instagram, 'cause I feel like you can kinda tell a story through it??? If that makes sense??? Also, it's fun soooooo (I'm thinking of doing maya or sophie)


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