Chapter 1

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My planet Stargana was destroyed. By the mogdornes 13 years ago. While we were fighting along side the loric. I was five when this all went down. I snuck aboard the star. The ship my mom was on. She was the second in command of the ship as well as the planet. When she found me. She handed me over to a man named Brandon. He now goes by henri. Number four is my adoptive brother. We're in hiding. Numbers one and two are dead. Three is next, and then four. I'm in my room doing pull ups on the top of the door frame. "You know, I could get you a pull up bar." Henri suggests, leaning against the wall in front of me his arms crossed. His black hair slightly tented with grey at the bottom. You can see his winkles when he smiles, but his eyes always have hope in them. And his voice is always calm. No matter what. I jump down.

"I know. I just want to be ready." I say, to him. Taking my hair down. My hair changes color based on what I'm feeling. Right now it's black. The color when I'm neutral. I push it behind my head.

"You are. You can take on their fighting skills the second you enter combat with them." He smiles at me.

"I know, but what if it's not enough? Besides I don't think a little extra training is going to hurt anyone."

He shakes his head. "You're just like your mother." Sometimes I forget he knew her. Well he knew both of them.

Four bursts through the door. Out of breath. I know what he's going to say before he says anything. "Number three is dead." Everything stops. We all know that means he's next.

Henri takes a deep breath before he clasps his hands together. Snapping both of us out of our trances. Four. is eighteen like me. He has blond hair and is average hight. He has no legacies yet. "Freya, breath there's nothing to fear. We can put run them. We always do. Now, kids pack your stuff. You have five minutes." He rushes off. So does four. My hair must be dark purple. I'm surprised he gave us five minutes. That's more then He normally gives us. I throw all my things in a bag. Which isn't much, and throw it over my shoulder. When I get outside four, is standing next to Henri, as he burns all of our documents. "Let's go." He says, nodding to us. We throw our stuff in the back of his truck, and leave. "What do you think about John smith?" Henri asks, once we reach a gas station.

"Very common." He replies,

I laugh, "good it will be harder to find you."

"Your accent is showing." I roll my eyes. We walk into the gas station. It doesn't have much. Just some shelves with candy and food on them. I pick up a pack of gum. And put it on the counter for Henri. He pays, and I collect four. We all pile back into the old beat up truck. We don't speak a word until we get to paradise. We grab out things, and make our rooms somewhat livable. I throw my stuff in a corner. Before falling down on my bed. I throw my hands up, so they're resting against the wall. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This has always helped calm me. I drift off to sleep. I see the boy again. He has black shaggy hair, shirtless, and very attractive. He has his back against the wall of his cell. I sit next to him like I always do.

"You're back." He says not looking at me. We're always been in each others dreams, and have been for as long as I can remember.

"Nine," I whisper, as I run my hand down a newly fresh scar on his back. He shivers slightly. Before shooing my hand away.

"It's nothing." He always says that.

"I'm going to tell henri about you tomorrow."

"He's not going to do anything. You know that."

I sigh, "I know." This is how our conversations normally are. I notice my hair is blue. I ignore it.

"You know, if you're sad. Why don't you say so? I could cheer you up." He says wrapping an arm around me.

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