Got YOU!

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The last thing I needed was to be walking home again from work. I wouldn't have to if my car wasn't in the shop...AGAIN! It was dark most of the way home, but I had to do it. Pulling out one of my earbuds, I turn my head slightly to the left. Footsteps were echoing on the hard pavement.

I turn my body around as I scan the road behind me. Nothing! There wasn't even a car coming in either direction. Shaking it off I turn back and start walking, brisker this time. I knew this place well, but I never knew who could be coming through town.

Pulling out my phone I place my music on pause and shove my earbuds in my pocket. The footsteps start back up again, but this time matching my pace. I check the road ahead of me to see if there was a place to duck in. Anything to try and see if I can identify this person following me.

But to no luck, both sides of the road were opening to flat fields with a few trees sparsely placed. The footsteps were increasing behind me. I break out into a light jog, but the footsteps were closing in on me. Pulling my bag closer to me, I start to run!

As I cross the distance of the field, I start to pass a row of parked cars outside a farmhouse. Without thinking I start to turn up the long driveway, but I'm stopped as a leather glove is wrapped around my mouth. I'm pulled backwards and forced down against the nearest car.

The cold metal burning the skin on my face. The body pressed against me firmly. No words came from them, but I could tell it was a man. He was tall, thin, but not sickly. He pushes his body down against mine, breathing on my neck. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, from fear, I hoped.

I always had a slight fear of this, but something about this was just HOT! His breath was warm against my skin. There was a low growl slipping from his lips. My knees gave way under me, forcing my body to start to slide down the side of the car. His hands grabbed me around the waist, pulling me back up.

Leaning back down against my body, he placed his lips against my ear.

"I've got you now." His voice vibrated into my ears.

It took me a second to realize I knew the voice. My eyes grew wider as I tried to decide if I was going to play along with his game or let him know I knew it was him. My curiosity got the best of me as I decided to play along....for now!

"Let me go!" I shouted at him.

A deep throated chuckle came from him, sending goosebumps down my arms. I don't know what it was about this that made me want to play it out. He was trying so hard.

"Only if you do as I say." His hands pulled my arms back behind me, holding my wrists in one hand. Placing the other gloved hand around to the front of my face.

He ran his fingers down the right side of my face before grabbing my chin, hard! I hissed against the pain. He lets my hands go and spins me around. Now facing this hooded figure. All I could see were his eyes, eyes I could never mistake. He pushes me up against the car, pulling down his hood, as a few of his dark hairs fall over his eyes. I could see a sly smirk on his face as he ran his gloved hand over the side of my face once more.

"Fuck You Spence! You know I figured it out, right?" I grab the hand off my face, placing his finger between my teeth, biting down. The smile grew on his face, into a sinister grin. Followed by that laugh again.

"You like it!" He whispered to me.

Grabbing his jacket with both of my hands, I pull him into me. Leaning down into the crook of his neck I place my lips gently against his skin before opening my mouth and biting down hard against his skin.

His muscles tensed slightly as both of his arms grab my hips, lifting me up onto the hood of the car behind me. Pushing his body between my legs, he runs his hand up into the back of my hair, grabbing a handful. As he pulls roughly on my hair, he pulls my face an inch from his.

"Next time you won't know it's me." He whispers as his lips brush against mine. Pulling my hair back, he leans down placing a kiss on my exposed neck. Tracing gentle kisses, he stops, pulling away slightly. "All's fair in love and war." He breathes against my skin, before he lunges down, baring his teeth.

His teeth dig into the soft skin of my neck as a high-pitched moan escapes my mouth. He pulls back, running his tongue across the dark purple bruise beginning to form on the surface of my neck.

"Mmmm Tasty!" He leans back away from me, pulling me off the hood of the car. His gaze drifts down my body, then back up to my eyes. The smirk creeping up again, as he watches me with his head tilted down. "Oh, fuck it!"

He grabs me by the hips, slinging me over his shoulder as he starts to walk down the road toward my place. Shaking my head, I start to laugh. When he wanted something, no one could tell him no. Even ME.....

Spencer Charnas I.N.K. ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now