Dinner Party Pt 3

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"I just don't think I can do this anymore...." His voice trailed off as he released the doorknob.

"What do you mean?" Taking a step toward him, you reach out your hand, placing it on his shoulder.

Bowing his head, he closes his eyes. "She said we need a break. I don't know what happened."

"Nadia? What? Why?" You wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"I don't know what I did." His voice breaks on his last word.

Pulling back from him you place your hand against the side of his face. Pulling his head up to meet his eyes. "Don't dwell on this. You have a lot coming up that you have to be prepared for. Trust me this shit sucks! What can I do for you? How can I help?"

He looks away to the right, breathing out a deep breath through his nose. "I-" Shaking his head he runs his hands down his face. "Nothing, Thanks for listening. I just need to focus on the tour."

Pulling you into another hug he then pulls away opening the bedroom door, gently closing it behind him. You stand there in shock....

"What just happened?" Closing your eyes, you take a beat to clear your thoughts. How could this be happening? They were the perfect couple. Everyone loved them. "Not my place to dig."

After changing into something a little more comfortable you head back out into the kitchen. Katie had several things going at once. Mike and Joe had invaded her space looking for snacks, clearly irritating her.

"No! It's not ready yet." She screams at them.

Joe's eyes grow wide as Mike holds up his hands in defense.

"Ok, ok, no fighting in my kitchen." You walk over to the pantry, pulling out some chips, tossing them across the room at Mike. He grabs them and spins out of the room with Joe on his heels.

"Be nice to them. You were the one to wait until the last min to cook." You grab a potholder and place the pan on the stove into the oven.

"Yeah, yeah, but those two are always hungry" She waves the spatula over her head as the white liquid on it drips all over the floor.

"Hey! You're making a fucking mess!" You grab the spatula and place it back into the bowl in front of her. "Geez Katie, you wanted this and now you're acting like a complete brat. What is up your ass?"

"Nothing" She says under her breath.

"Come on, you were fine a few minutes ago." Leaning down to clean up the mess she made on the floor you look up at her and see that her eyes were glossy. Had she been crying?

"Just tell them food will be ready soon" She spins back to the island pouring the mix into a platter of chips.

"Katie! What happened? I'll fuck this whole place up!" You jump up grabbing her by the arm, pulling her around to look at you.

"Whoa, who's fucking up who? I wanna watch!" Patrick had wandered in from the living room. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, holding it up like he was ready to record the royal rumble.

"Nobody, Can you take this out to the hooligans for me?" You push the plate across the counter at him. Looking down at the plate of nachos, he raises an eyebrow grabbing a chip shoving it into his mouth.

"Alright, but if there is one..." He picks up the plate, shoving his phone back in his pocket. "You call me." A lighthearted chuckle escapes him as he walks from the room.

"I just don't know why I try anymore" Katie had turned back to the sink, washing out the dishes before placing them into the dishwasher. "I'm just a plain Jane, and I'm nothing like the groupies. I refuse to be."

"Uhm, excuse me? You will NOT let a man, or anyone make you feel this way!" You walk over to her wrapping your arms around her from behind. "Besides, what would I do if you got snatched up by a rockstar?"

She spins around wiping the lone tear that was rolling down her left cheek. "I know. You would die without me." She smiles as she hugs you back.

Closing your eyes, you slightly shake your head side to side. It always seemed like you were the dumpster fire in the group. Today it was clearly the dumping ground around your feet. She pulls back as you turn to start cleaning up the mess all over the counters.


"So what?" You look over to her waiting for the invasive question that always followed her 'so'.

"What happened in your room?" Looking over her shoulder she wiggles her eyebrows at you.

"What? Nothing. I just changed. Was something supposed to happen while I was in there?" Clearly trying to keep your composure and not give away the conversation you had just had with a certain someone.

"Uh huh, suuuurreee....." Dragging out her words, you knew she either heard or saw something you didn't.

"I don't know what you're talking about Katie." Shoving the bowls into the dishwasher, you close the door and start it.

"So Me seeing Spencer come down the hall out of your room.....was nothing?" Holding back a slight laugh you could tell her mind was already spinning crazy scenarios.

"Nothing happened! He just wanted a second alone, and I guess I walked in at the wrong time." Holding the small towel in your hand, you twist it up and crack it against the back of her arm.

"Ow! Hey!" She turns around with that doe eyed look in her eyes. "I'm just saying, You two seem kind of chummy today."

"It's not like that. Just get these hooligans fed and we can work on the issues making you so crabby." Grabbing a glass of wine off the counter you walk back into the living room.

"I'll figure out what's going on. One way or another" She calls out to you.

You walk over to the empty chair in the corner of the room. Sitting down you pull out your phone to start taking pictures of the chaos of Mike and Joe trying to imitate each other. Giggling under your breath you feel eyes on you but brush it off at first. Hands were placed around your eyes, making you almost drop the glass in your hand.

"Guess who?"

"Nadia!" Spinning in the chair you jump up wrapping your arms around her. "I didn't know you were coming."

"I wouldn't miss Katie's craftsmanship." Pulling back, she looks over your shoulder and you could see the slight change in her smile. This was not awkward at all....

"Do you want something to drink?" You link arms with her, pulling her out of the room toward the kitchen.

"Sure, but is there anything I can do to help?" She lets go of your arm as she saunters into the kitchen. There was a loud clink of glass hitting glass to your right. Looking over your shoulder you see Spencer jump up and rush toward the front door. Scanning the room quickly you see Patrick sitting on the edge of the couch, playing on his phone.

"Hey Pat." You try not to get the attention of the whole group. He looks up, meeting your eyes. You cock your head toward the door. He looks over and notices just as Spencer walks out it. Giving you a quick nod, he was on his feet fast on His heels.

Why does the drama always end up at my house? 

Spencer Charnas I.N.K. ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now