Happy Horrordays!!!

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It had been a rough few weeks for me, especially with the holidays creeping up. I hadn't seen my bf in 3 months, due to the touring, but he was coming home today. The only issue is my mother had made a point to come over to my house and vomit all the pastel Christmas shit all over. Not my style, but with work and the stress of him coming home, I just didn't fight her.

I knew that it would be a little too much for Spencer, but I had a plan. It had been in the works for the past two weeks. What's better around Christmas than having a Krampus? I had a whole plan too! I've been texting Ricky to help me, plus I told him that if he ruined the surprise that I would hang him from the rafters.

I had the costume, the hooved boots, I even sprung for the mask with the tall horns. All I had to do was wait, but how can I? I'm just a ball of nerves. Sitting on the couch I can't help but fidget.

My phone buzzed on the table across the room, breaking me from my thoughts. I jump up and race over to it. Looking at the screen I catch my breath as my eyes read what's on the screen.

*Hey Babe! We just landed. I'll be there in a couple of hours. *

I immediately text him back then opened the texts between me and Ricky.

*You ready for this?*

*Absolutely! You have just over an hour until we are there. I'll text you when we are close.*

*Awesome! I can't wait to see his face!*

Putting the phone down I grab the costume and head up to the master bathroom. I didn't know how long it could take to get everything just right, but I was trying my best to make this the best Christmas ever!

Forty-five minutes later I was sitting on my bed, trying my best to get the boots on. After zipping up the second one, I grabbed the mask and the cloak rushing down the stairs. I had made a long chain with custom Krampus bells attached to it. Throwing over the cloak, I step over to the large mirror in the hall by the front door. As I pull on the mask and horns, the weight of it made my neck hurt, but this would be worth it. I started to turn off all the lights in the house, one by one. Getting a feel for these odd boots.

Flicking the last switch, I hear a buzz on the table. I grab my phone and see that it was Ricky. They were running ahead of Schedule. Apparently, Spencer was driving, dangerously he added, in the snowy slick streets.

Giggling to myself, I replied I was good to go. Just need to have him get in and start filming. The grin on my face was making my cheeks hurt, but I was so excited for this.

There was screeching of tires on the road out front, getting closer and closer to your driveway. The car stopped but it never turned off. You could hear doors opening then closing. It was SHOW TIME!

I step over to the dark kitchen, hiding behind the wall, waiting and listening. The front door swung open with the loud voices.

"Babe? I'm home!" His voice rang out in the house, but I didn't move. "Babe?" He started to step into the living room.

Just as he walked into the room, the power went out......This was my cue!

I start to shake the chain quietly, just enough to make the bells jingle a little. Then as best as I could muster, I started to growl. The footsteps stopped as well as the voices. I started taking steps toward the room in front of me. Barely illuminated by the lights from the neighbors Christmas lights. The boots clacked on the wood floor. Shaking the chain more vigorously As I crept into the living room. I could hear a sinister chuckle a few feet in front of me, making my heart race, plus this was a cue I was right in my choice.

The closer and closer I got to him, a dark outline in the room, The more noise I made. Shaking the chain, stepping hard onto the floor. I finally stopped a foot from his figure. I could see Ricky over by the wall, a huge grin on his face as he held up his phone.

Looking back at Spencer I stood up, as tall as I could get, then breathed out a guttural growl. He tilted his head down as his eyes never left mine. A smirk was pulling at the left side of his face.

"You are amazing." He whispered to me.

I lunged for him, pushing him against the couch. His hands reached out, pulling me into his lap. As I sat there staring into his eyes, the lights came back up and the rest of the guys walked in the front door. They were all laughing and cheering as I stood back up, taking a bow in their direction.

"You guys planned this? Fuck, this is badass!" Spencer got back up off the couch as him and the guys said their goodbyes.

"You better send me that video Ricky!" I pointed one of my long fingernails at him.

"I will, but It's going on Instagram first!" He started to rush for the door as Spencer chased after him.

"Ass!" He yelled after him as he closed the door. Locking it, he turns back to me. Crossing the distance between us in milliseconds. He reached up, pulling off the horns and then the mask. Tossing them behind me onto the couch.

"This is only half of the surprise." You look into his eyes as he raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" He takes a step back with his arms out. "What else do you have for me?"

Slipping off the chain and the cloak, you drop them to the floor, exposing the black lace hugging your body. His eyes glanced over you before rushing to you, picking you up, then running up the stairs. He throws you down onto the bed as he tilts his head to the side, his smile growing bigger.

"Let me take off these boots." I say as I sit up leaning forward to pull on the zipper of my right boot.

His hand slaps mine away from the boot. "No! Leave them on. I'm half tempted to get the cloak back." That sinister chuckle escapes his lips.

Laying back onto the bed, I motion with my index finger for him to come closer. He pulls off his shirt, then dives onto the bed, placing his hands on either side of my head. Leaning down, his lips envelope mine. There was more than passion behind this kiss, it was a hunger, a feral need for me.

I wrap my legs around him as he picks me up from around the waist, moving me up the bed. He reaches up behind my head, grabbing the leather strap that was tied to the metal headboard, tying my right wrist. Then moves to the other side, tying my left.

Leaning back up, he traces his fingers down the curves of my body until the reach the top of the lace thong I had on. Hooking his fingers under them, he rips them off, tossing them onto the floor.

"Spencer! I liked those." I whine

He leans his head down trailing kisses and gentle bite marks up my side, them up my neck. Eventually meeting my lips once more. As he breaks the kiss, gasping for air, he looks deep into my eyes.

"I'll get you another pair." Then winks as he makes his way down the other side of my body.

He grabs my legs, throwing them over his shoulders. Looking over at the furry boots I still had on, he tilts his head down. Slowly turning to look at me, that smile creeps up on his lips once more.

"The best Horrorday gift ever!" His voice was deep, sending chills down my spine.

It sure would be the best holiday ever!

A/N Merry Christmas readers....

This was a crazy idea that I had late last night. I hope you all are having a fun holiday. I'm working on the next chapter to this book, plus trying to set a plot for my sequel to Tahoe. Be safe and STAY INSANE PSYCHOS!!!!!

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