Dinner Party Pt 1

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It has been one hell of a day, to be honest the week was not the best either. All you wanted to do was go home and enjoy the peace and quiet. As you pulled up to your house there were 2 cars in the driveway that you were not expecting. One, you immediately recognized as your best friend, Katie's. She didn't let you know that she was going to be coming by, and the last thing you needed was her BS today.

The other car was not one you recognized right away, but it looked familiar. Parking your car on the street, you turn up the song you are listening to. As the speakers rattled to the loud drums in the song, you laid your head back, closing your eyes.

You jump as there was a loud knock on your window. Looking over through the dark tint you see Katie standing there with the biggest grin on her face. Rolling your eyes, you turn the car off and open the door.

"What now?" You stand up, shoving the keys into your pocket as you slam the car door closed.

"I have a surprise for you." She kept that creepy smile on her face as she pulls on your arm.

"I'm coming, geez," As she drags you to the front door of the house, she is rambling about some stuff that was happening at her job this week. Most of it slipped past you as you didn't really care to be sympathetic at this point.

The closer to the door you got, you could hear that there was music coming from the living room. No, not just music, someone was playing a guitar. The melody sounded familiar, but the droning of Jess's mouth made it hard to decipher what it was. As the door swung open there were people standing in the entryway.

You drop your purse and hit your knees as you see a big ball of fluff come bounding around the corner into the hall. The cutest little bark comes from him as he waddles over to you.

"STARKS!!!" Reaching your arms out he runs up to you. Scratching his little fuzzy head, you didn't notice that the strumming had stopped. "Hey little buddy, how are you my little fluff ball?"

Distracted from the cuteness overload, you didn't see as everyone had turned and was now watching you. Katie had walked off into the living room, making herself at home, as always. Your attention was broken as someone cleared their throat. You look up and notice that they were all watching you fawn over this dog.

"Oh, hey guys." Your eyes glance from each of them and they start going back to their conversations. Starks waddles back over to Ricky, who was leaning on the doorway to the living room. Your eyes meet as a huge smile creeps up on his face.

"Hey! I thought you guys would be prepping for the tour this week." You stand up, picking up your purse and setting it on the table next to the door.

He walks over, giving you a hug. Not that anyone would want to hear, but you needed this after the day you just had. Looking over his shoulder, you could see Dan and Joe sitting in the living room, both were strumming out something that you had not heard before. Ricky pulls back and turns back to the two playing. He grabs his acoustic and sits in the over sized chair in the corner.

"Don't just stand there..." Katie's voice chimes in from behind you, causing you to spin around.

"So this is the surprise?" Grabbing her arm you pull her down the hall toward the kitchen. "You couldn't warn me? I've had a shitty day, plus I look like this." You motion to what you had on, your hair was a mess and you were pretty sure that your mascara was starting to run from trying not to cry on the drive home.

"Oh hush, you are fine. I saw Ricky and Patrick at the Starbucks earlier and they said they had been busting ass to get rehearsals in this week and needed a break. I suggested they come over and chill." She raised an eyebrow at your frustrated face. "Hell, I promised to cook. They can never resist my cooking."

"So is it just them? I saw Mike in the hall when  came in too." You turn to look down the other end of the hallway, but she pulls your attention back.

"Yeah, but I think Shevy will be here later." The whispering argument was cut short as you both hear someone singing from the kitchen.

You instantly knew who's voice it was, but what surprised you was what he was singing.

*Slowly, Gently, Night unfurls its splendor*

"Is he...?" You turn your head toward the door leading to the kitchen.

*Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender*

"Of all the songs..." You giggle to yourself as you take a step down the hall.

*Turn your face away from the garish light of day*

"Is he singing a musical?" She steps up next to you as you slowly push open the door to the kitchen.

*Turn your thoughts away from the cold, unfeeling light*

Peaking into the vast kitchen, you both spotted Spencer over by the fridge pouring something to drink in a glass. A chuckle comes from Katie, but was silenced was you elbow her in the side.

"Shh, this is something I wanna hear." She starts to complain, but pulls back, walking back down the hallway.

You lean against the doorway, taking in the sight before you. He turns back to the fridge, closing the door, not skipping a beat in the song.

*And listen to the music of the-*

He stops short as his eyes meet yours. You could see the cheesy smile on his face as he grabs the glass off the counter.

"Oh, don't stop on my account." Stepping into the kitchen, you turn to grab a glass from the cabinet to the right.

His smile morphed into a smirk, as he shoots you a wink, then he walks over into the living room. Leaving you standing there smiling like an idiot.

Spencer Charnas I.N.K. ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now