Dinner Party Pt 2

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Walking over to the fridge you open it and grab a water. Closing the door, you turn around and look over into the living room. Everyone was either jamming out or in a conversation with the others. Katie had taken a seat next to Ricky who was more focused on the acoustic guitar in his lap. A smile pulls at your lips as she was clearly trying very hard to get his attention, but he was not even noticing.

"Hey, I hope this was ok. Katie said that you were off for a couple days and we couldn't say no when she offered her BOMB ass food."

Patrick's voice pulled you from your thoughts as he walked up next to you.

"Oh, it's fine. I just had a rough day at work, and it would have been nice for a heads up." Taking a sip of the water, you place the bottle on the island in front of you.

"Oh man, well, shit now I feel bad. If I would have known, I would have at least sent you a text." He takes off his hat, then runs his hand through his hair, placing it back on his head.

"Don't worry. I need this." You take a step away from him, but you stop as an arm is wrapped around you. "Wha-"

He pulls you into a side hug as you place your head on his shoulder. "Thanks Pat."

"Anytime!" He flashes you a smile as he walks through the side door into the hallway.

Scanning the room in front of you, you decide to walk over to the double glass doors that lead to the backyard. Your thoughts were spinning as you walk over to the swinging bench. Taking a seat, you cross your legs, pushing off with your right foot causing the swing to start to sway. Laying your head back you close your eyes, breathing out a long deep breath.

It was quiet for a bit until you hear the door open and close to your left.

"They can get a bit crazy sometimes. I don't blame you." Spencer's voice was just above a whisper.

"It's fine. I just needed a few minutes to decompress from work." Eyes still closed; you try your best to just stay in the moment. The swing is stopped abruptly as there was someone sitting next to you.

"No, I get it." You could hear the smirk in his voice.

Your eyes felt so heavy as you opened them. Turning your head slightly to the left you catch him staring at you. A slight rush of pink floods your face as you snap your head back up.

"So....you guys ready for this tour? I bet it's going to be a crazy few months." Pulling your legs up, you cross them and turn so you can see him better.

"Yeah, I'm excited! It's gonna be amazing to see everyone and visit these places." He takes a sip out of the cup in his left hand before placing it on the ground next to him. He leans back against the swing and places his arm across the back.

"I bet. The few times I have been overseas it was always a fun experience." You look down at your hands in your lap. Picking at your fingers trying to not make it noticeable that you were still nervous in his presence.

"Yeah" He breaths out a long sigh as the side door opens again.

Starks rushes out as you hear Shevy's voice calling after him. Starks was running around the large backyard as she steps out locking eyes with you. A little squeal escapes her mouth as she rushes over and wraps her arms around you.

"Hey!" She lets you go as she turns and bumps Spencer on the arm with her fist.

"I'm glad you guys could host this. I don't know the next time we will all have the down time to do something like this." She tuns to sit down to your right on the swing. Causing you to slide down and brush up against Spencer.

The flush in your face was now a burning red. Blinking your eyes hard, you turn to start talking to Shevy about the things she had been up to in preparation of the tour. You both were so lost in the conversation, that you had not noticed that Spencer had decided to get up. He runs his hand across your back and stands up, pulling his shirt down.

"I'm going to make sure they haven't burned anything down." Raising his eyebrows, he takes another sip from his drink as he disappears inside.

"So...." Shevy grabs you by the shoulders and spins you around to face her. Clearly, she was holding back a laugh. "That was interesting." She drops her hands into her lap as she bust out laughing.

"Wait....What?" Your face twists up in confusion as she tries to keep herself from falling off the swing.

Trying to compose herself she grabs the side of the swing, pointing at your face. "Your face."

"What about my face?" You start to wipe your hand over your face, terrified you had just sat there with something on your face.

"You're blushing. He still gets to you, and I think..." She grabs your face with her hands. "It's cute."

"I don't know what you're talking about. It's just been a long week and today just sucks. Or it did. This all just surprised me is all. I needed some time to breath before joining the group." You look down at your feet as Starks had come up and was sitting there looking up at you. "Hey fluff." You reach down and scratch his head.

"Uh huh. It's ok. I get it. Just don't let your emotions get the best of you. Let's have fun tonight." She stands up reaching her hands out to you. Pulling you up onto your feet, she wraps her arms around you. "Let's make sure they boys are not having too much fun without us."

She walks over to the door as you lean down and pick up Starks, giving him kisses on the face. Following her though the door, the smile on your face was growing as you could see everyone enjoying each other's company.

There was noise coming from the kitchen as you turn to see Katie had already made a huge mess all over the counters. Typical of her to volunteer to cook in my house. Starks started to squirm in your arms, so you squat down and place him at your feet. He waddles off to Ricky's feet to lay down.

"Hey, can you help me?" Katie calls after you.

"Yeah, let me go change out of these and I'll be right there." You take one last look at the party that had now come full swing in your living room, shake your head, then walk down the hall to the master bedroom. As you open the door you see a shadow of a figure by the window. Reaching for the light switch, it flips but the lights don't come on.

"You don't need that." The voice was too low for you to recognize, but something inside you made a chill run down your spine. "I just wanted to talk to you." They step out into the light peeking through the black out curtains.

"Spencer? What are you doing? I get the whole façade of the Psychopath, but this? Really?" Walking over to the bathroom you flip on the light, exposing the room in light. He was hiding his face.

"I just needed a minute. Sorry, I'll leave." He hurried over to the door, grabbing the knob.

"Spencer, wait......"  

Spencer Charnas I.N.K. ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now