Chapter 6: Miranna

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I scoff. "Is this your pathetic way of making amends with me? You had your chance, godfather. Your words will not sway me."

"I am not asking you, Miranna. I am telling you." My godfather answers calmly. If he was indeed angry, either he chose not to show it or he was too tired and depressed to express any emotion.

"May I remind you that I was raised in a forest, not a kingdom? And that I was raised by the rules of survival, not royalty? I am no queen, godfather."

"Then perhaps you and your friend should rest, Miranna. Maybe you'll change your mind afterwards."

Once again, I am whisked away from my godfather of a King by two maids. They lead me to a chamber where I was stripped of my clothes and dumped in scalding, hot water.

I do my best not to scream under the heat of the water, which is beyond compare to the lava of Mount Doom. Next, they pour a sweet smelling concoction scented with rose and lavender, both which clashed with each other, making my stomach swim. Before I could even tell the maids to stop, they scrub my skin aggressively with a large brush with bristles like warg hair.

I shut my eyes, protecting them from the stench of the soap. Once again, hot water was poured all over me like a waterfall. This time, I yelp, but the maids say nothing.

"My lady, please put this on." A young maid hands me a robe, which I wear gratefully. "Follow me to your room." she says, showing me the way.

I follow her, walking past tapestries and paintings while making several turns. I stop in front of one painting, a portrait of a she-elf.

Her dark silver hair, which was tied in a braid, fell just below her shoulders. The blue dress she wore complimented her snow pale skin, which seemed to glow faintly. Although her smile warmed the painting, her piercing blue eyes suggested that she was more than just a portrait.

"That's your mother." The elf maid says. "I always looked up to her as a young elf."

"My mother?" I raise a brow. What did she know about my mother?

"I wanted to wield magic, just like her. Instead, I came to work for the king." She sighs longingly.

"How does he rule?"

"Well, the death of your mother took a great toll on his health, mentally and physically." She explains, continuing on leading me to my room. "His heart's not in it anymore, though. The people know and they need a new ruler to guide them."

But I am no ruler, I say in my head. I do not care what my godfather thinks of me, I am not fit to rule a kingdom. Only by his death alone should I rule in his stead.

"Here is your room, my lady." The maid announces, showing me the door. " Your clothes are lying on your bed. If you need anything, you may ring the bell."

"Thank you..." I trail off, not knowing the maid's name.

"Serenis." She smiles. "It's a pleasure to meet the daughter of Nerine."

I open the door and close it behind me gently, smiling. My smile soon turns into a gasp as soon as I faced my room.

A bed on the left side of the large, spacious chamber looked as if it could fit a family of eight. Across from it sat a dresser, neatly stocked with mysterious sweet-smelling creams and powders. A mirror lined the wall, reflecting the room it faced. On its right stood a tall closet with intricately carved designs. Inside, my clothes hung from a rack along with other dresses for numerous occasions.

What steals my gaze were the double doors that led to a balcony, overlooking the sea. I open both doors, letting the ocean breeze into my room.

I walk to the railing and lean against it, admiring the view of the ocean. It spread out before me, wide and inviting. Tall ships graced the surface, cutting through the water like shears cutting through cloth. Young elves play near the shore, screaming in joy whenever the gray water touches their ankles. Perhaps I wouldn't mind ruling over Delmaris after all.

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