Chapter 14: Legolas

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When Miranna stands up, my stomach churns at the sight. A long, deep gash runs from her chest to her stomach like a red river in hills of blue. How can she stand, much less feel so much pain?

Mornag on the other hand, stands up, clutching his sliced, bleeding stomach. "You fool," he snarls, coughing out blood, "you should have gone for the heart."

He grabs her by the throat and holds her high in the air.

"MIRANNA!" I scream, forcing myself to stand up. But when I do, my vision swims, distorting the world around me. A hot flash from my ribs pulses, forcing me to sit down once more.

Miranna holds onto her sword while clawing at her throat, desperately gasping for air. Her helpless eyes find mine, clinging onto life.

The words that I so badly want to say to her form on my lips, but I cannot move them.

 I understand, now, Miranna. I am sorry for bringing you here. If what you feel for me is a droplet of water, then mine are the oceans of Middle Earth.

A tear falls from her left eye. She smiles weakly at me, mouthing the words, 'annon i veleth nîn allen'. I give my love to you.

Mornag tightens his grip around Miranna's neck until a loud snap echoes throughout the forest.

Miranna drops her sword, letting it clatter to the ground. Her body freezes for a moment, then goes limp. She does not move again.

It takes a moment for me to process what happened. I close my eyes, expecting to see Miranna alive and well. I open them and watch Mornag release his grip, letting Miranna fall to the ground in a lifeless heap.

It was as if a part of me had died along with her, never to come alive again. I did not just lose one she-elf to fate. Now I lost two.

Mornag turns to me, grinning maniacally despite his injuries. "And you? Are you ready to join little foxglove in the ground below?"

He trudges towards me, dragging his ax behind him. Its trail leaves a slick, scarlet streak in the grass—Miranna's blood.

I weakly nock an arrow, aiming for Mornag. But all I could see were three Mornags making their way towards me. I concentrate until only one appears in my sight. I release it, and it hits Mornag below the neck.

His eyes widen as his body stiffens, letting death consume it. He falls to the ground like a chopped tree, never to stand again.

I stand up to make my way to Miranna, stumbling as I walk. I land on the grass once more when my legs give out. I crawl on the ground like a serpent until I finally reach Miranna's corpse.

Her lifeless, glassy eyes stare blankly at the sky. I close them with two fingers for the last time.

A tall foxglove plant looms over Miranna. Its petals were already nearly wilted, except for a single leaf on its stem. Amidst all the death, its green hue persevered.

When I pick the foxglove, the green leaf falls off and catches the wind. I watch as it floats farther and farther away from us, disappearing into the horizon. I place the foxglove and the sword in Miranna's hands and close her stiff fingers around them. After glancing back at her for the last time, I take my leave. It would be a lifetime before the foxglove reunites with its green leaf.

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