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It's been 2 years since the great fire
Kai has been living and woking with the nice couple for over a year now, he has started calling them Ma and Pa as if they were his own grandparents. It was a new day and Kai was getting ready for work in the bathroom “I should really shave soon. I look like a monkey” Kai laughed at himself before putting his mask on, he has a white mask now which his Pa had bought him from new ninjago city that had been rebuilt recently. “I'm going now! Love ya!” Kai yelled before going off to work, he put his hands into his pockets and whistled on his way to the bakery. It was 6:40am but it was already really bright outside but it was quiet and Kai liked it that way. He arrived at the bakery, he took out the keys from his pocket and he unlocked the door. Kai wiped the tables before switching the sign to 'open'. He was sitting behind the counter as he suddenly heard the bell above the door which meant that a costumer had stepped in. “Welcome to Time Crystal Bakery And Coffee shop! How may I help you today?” Kai said as he stood up from his seat, smiling with his eyes at the costumer. When Kai opened his eyes he saw an handsome boy around his age standing infront of him, he had black locs in a small bun, beautiful dark skin with scars on his arms and he had mesmerizing dark eyes, he was wearing a gray tank top and dark blue sweatpants. “Hello there!” the boy smiled at Kai sweetly which gave Kia butterflies and.. he felt like he had seen that smile before but he brushed it off. “I'd like 5 iced lattes to go please” Kai nodded at the boy “You can sit down if you'd like because it'll take me some time” Kai told the boy and the boy sat down. The amber eyed boy began making the drinks and he could feel a pair of eyes on him. “So, Kai isn't it?” the boy said suddenly “Yes, that's right.” Kai answered “I'm Cole, it's nice to meet you. I think your scars look cool” the boy named Cole smiled.
Kai thought to himself: 'Cole? That sounds so familiar.. ugh I wish I could remember from where.'
“Well thank you, I like your scars aswell” Kai said with a chuckle “You know, I actually used to know a Kai too once, but he has been gone for two years already, I really miss him.. haha sorry fer getting all sad” the boy said “Oh no it's okay, you can tell me about him if you'd like.” Kai said. “Everyone thinks he's dead but I know he's still out there somewhere. I wosh he knew how much I really loved him..” Cole sighed before continuing “It's like nobody even remembers that he even excisted anymore. Also you remind me of him quite alot, he also had those beautiful amber eyes just like yours haha but he had brown hair.”(Kai dyed his hair red)
“That sounds sad, I'm sorry for your loss.” Kai said with a sad voice. They were quiet for 5 minutes until Kai had finished the drinks “Done, 5 ice lattes with straws, that'll be $17.50” Kai said putting the drinks on the counter for Cole. Cole pays for the drinks and thanks Kai “Thank you, it was nice meeting you, Kai. I hope to see you again” Cole smiled as he slipped a note on the counter. “You're welcome. Come again!” Kai said, he then looked down and noticed the note on the counter, he picked it up and read it: 'Call me if you'd like to talk [phone number] :D -Cole'
Kai blushed a little and slipped the note into his pocket.
In the evening, closing time
Kai was cleaning the tables when he heard the bell “Sorry but we're closed.” Kai said “I'm here for you not for coffee” Kai looked up and saw Cole standing before him with a smile on his face. “Oh it's you! I-I'm almost done can you wait 5 more minutes?” Kai took off his apron and put it behind the counter and threw the paper away he was cleaning with. “I just have to lock the door now.” Said kai as he turned the sing to 'closed' and they went outside, Kai locked the door and put the keys into his pocket. “What did you want from me?” Kai finally asked “I wanted to ask you to come on a walk with me by the pond, if you aren't busy of course!” says the handsome fella “Of course not, I'll gladly go on a walk with you” the red haired boy says happily. The two go on a walk together as they talk about their pasts, they finally arrive at a bench and they sat down “I saved a small boy from freezing to death here when I woke up from my coma” Kai says and Cole looks shocked “Wow! Then you must be a good person. May I ask why were you in a coma?” Kai answers his question “I fell into coma in ninjago city during the great fire two years ago, due to hitting my head hard I lost my memory and all I know from my past is that I have a sister, nothing more.” Kai left out the fact that his sister and him both had elemental powers so he wouldn't scared the boy away “That sounds tough, I'm sorey you had to go though that.” Cole hugged Kai and Kai hugged the boy back. They pulled away “Your body temperature is pretty high, are you sick?” Cole asked worriedly “No, I'm fine. I've always had a higher body temperature as long as I know, I guess I was born like this, haha” Kai tried to laugh it off. “Hey um, could it be possible that you, idk, have powers?” Cole asked out of nowhere,
Kai thought to himself: 'Holy shit! How does he know?!'
“Haha... Well I don't want to lie to you so I have to admit it, I do have powers.” Kai said nervously as he scratched the back of his head “Could you possibly show me your power?” the dark skinned boy asked the other one “Yeah, sure.. I haven't used them in a while though..” Kai then opened his palm and suddenly a flame appeared on it, it was halfway blue. “Omg Kai..” Cole said while staring at the fire “I also have powers.” Cole showed Kai his super strenght by picking up the bench with Kai on it and he raised rocks out of the earth to prove his power. “Wow..” Kai said “So I'm not normal after all..” “Kai, please tell me your last name.” Cole said taking Kai's hands into his, Kai was confused but he was honest “It's Smith, my sister's name is Nya Smith. The nurse told me that she was the master of water and that I'm the master of fire.” his amber eyes met the other boy's dark eyes, which were tearing up “Oh Kai! I knew it! You aren't dead! I'm so glad I found you after two years!” Cole couldn't help but hug the boy infront of him. Suddenly Kai remembered everything about his life and who the boy hugging him was, it was Cole, his Cole! They seperated from the hug and Kai looked at Cole with tears in his eyes “I'm sorry.. I was the reason the great fire started..” he burst into tears, they were a mix of sad and happy tears “Kai, look at me please.” Cole raised Kai's face “It's not your fault, it was Zaron's fault. He caused you to lose control over your power.” Cole wiped away the tears from the boy's amber eyes “Can you please take your mask off, Kai?” Cole asked with a sad smile, Kai took his mask off revealing the scar on his face. “I love you Kai.” Cole confessed his feelings to Kai “I've loved you for such a long time and when your body wasn't found after the fire was put out I was devastated. I cried for days afraid of never seeing you again.” Kai was stunned “Cole.. I love you too.. I realized it a long time again but I was pushing my feelings away because I was afraid of rejection and you hating me.. You've always just treated me so good and I only feel truely happy when you are close to me, I always get butterflies in my stomache whenever you hold me close to you but I play it cool like we are normal friends and I try to act like there's nothing between us but that has always hurt me alot..” Kai did it, he finally got that weight off his chest. Kai then pulled Cole into a steamy kiss and he could tell Cole was liking it as much as he was.

To be continued..
(I've love writing this story so far and I plan on continuing it for as long as I run out of ideas for this story, even if this story gets no wiews I will not stop, because I'm writing it for myself not anyone else, but I'm glad to share with you all, thank you for reading! Also this is 1587 words long including this😭🙌)

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