The most powerful he has ever been

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The figure laughed as the image ended “See how pathetic we are? This is what YOU are going to do to us, Kai. Silly, isn't it?” Kai fell on his knees on the floor “No.. That's not true! I would never kill myself! R-right?!.” he looked up at the figure with fear in his eyes “Oh boo-hoo, you really think that's what I would do? You are doing this to yourself. I am here to meke you better, stronger, more powerful! In fact the MOST powerful elemental master ever!” Kai looked at the figure with wide eyes “So, what do you say, Kai? Will you let me make you better or do you want to stay pathetic like you are?” the ghost like man had an evil grin on his face “I'll do it.. I want to feel powerful.” Kai said as he got back up on his feet and looked the figure straight in the eye “Good choice.” . “What do I have to do to become powerful?” Kai didn't even hesitate. “You have to give me premission to enter into your soul, WE have to become ONE.” Kai sighed as he thought: 'This is what's best for the team, I need to be stronger to be more useful for them.'
“I, Kai Smith give you premission to enter my soul and make me the most powerful of all, on ONE contition, none of my friends can be hurt, including everyone I think of as family.” said the amber eyed boy “Your contition has been listened to and must not be broken, it's a deal.” the figure held out his hand and Kai shook it, the deal had been done. The ghostly figure enters Kai's body, he feels a strong pain in his head before passing out, the figure was now in control of Kai's body “Such a naive boy, I am you now. Try to fight me as much as you want, I'll always be better and stronger than you.” "Kai" laughed before heading to bed not to seem suspicious.
The next morning
All the ninjas were in the kitchen, including Kai. They were all laughing and talking and they all seemed so happy. After dinner Zane cleaned the table and Nya washed the dishes while the others went to do what they wanted, Kai went outside and Cole followed him. Kai sat down and Cole sat next to him “Hey” the black haired boy smiled “Hello” said the amber eyed boy coldly “What's wrong? You've been acting strange” Cole took Kai's hand into his but Kai slapped it away “Ow! what has gotten into you?” the black ninja groaned in pain “I have one thing to make clear here, I do not like you. Leave me the fuck alone.” the fire ninja snapped at Cole, the boy noticed that Kai's turned red for a second and got suspicious but he didn't say it, he was hurt by the words of his loved one “Oh.. If that's so, I'll leave you alone then..” Cole got up with watery eyes and went to his room. “Without him in the way we will become even stronger than we already are.” Kai laughed by himself.
It has been 2 weeks since then
Everyone had noticed that Kai had became a lot more aggressive than he was usually and he would yell at them all for the smallest mistakes. He had also gotten two times stronger than he was before and all that within two weeks, that seemed really strange. They were all having a secret meeting without Kai one quiet night, Cole then decided to tell them how he had seen Kai's eyes spark red quite a few times, they all agreed with Cole that they had seen it too and it seemed strange. But what they didn't know was that Kai was spying them tge whole time “They are onto us.” he mumbled to himself behind the door frame. They all decided to talk to Kai about it the next day and they did so.
The next day around noon
They were all outside drinking tea and they decided to bring up the strange behavior of Kai's. “Kai, we have noticed that you've been acting strange. Do you want to talk about it?” Lloyd asked “I'm not acting strange? What is up with yall?” Kai laughed at them. “We know everything.” said Nya. “Oh really?” Kai stood up and backed away from them “Well I guess it's time to stop pretending to be good, huh?” and evil grin came across Kai's usually sweet face. His eyes turned red, he opened his palms to show blue flames. “Well let's see who will win this fight, the pathetic ninja or the most powerful master of fire ever.” he laughed as if the devil himself, the others jumped up and got ready to fight, even if it would end in their own death.
Kai was the first to struck he barely missed the nindroid, the flame hit the wooden door and it lit on fire really quickly. Nya used her powers to get the fire under control “Leave my brother alone!” she screamed as she made a big water ball which she ained right at Kai. The fire ninja had gotten wet “You think water can stop me?” he laughed as his feet raised from the ground, the flames were back on his palms, his hair was made out of pure fire. The ninjas were scared but they wanted to get their friend back.
An hour later
The fight was still going, Jay was injured and Nya was protecting him from the fire, Lloyd and Cole had paired up and were both striking from different angels, Zane also joined them and so did Nya when Jay could get up and fight again. They decided to connect their powers instead of trying to fight him seperatly, they had circled him in “Now!!” Lloyd screamed and they all striked at once aiming right at Kai. He got hit from every corner “ARGHHHH!” he screamed in agony. “It's working keep going!!” Lloyd screamed. After a painful minute and a half Kai's hair turned back to normal and he fell on the ground. “No! I can't lose!” he screamed but he was way too weak to get back up. “Let Kai go!” the evil Kai had no other chouce but to leave Kai's soul, Kai floated up into the air, his eyes turned pure white and the ghostly figure left Kai's soul, Kai's weak body fell from the air right into Cole's arms who baerly catched his lover. “I will return! You hear me?!” the figure yelled before vanishing into thin air. “Oh Kai..” Cole stroked his lovers soft hair with his hand “I love you..” he mumbled to the boy in his arms begore kissing his forhead. Nya was holding Kai's hand hoping he would wake up, the others were also around Kai. Kai slowly opened his eyes, “Oh Kai you're okay!!” Nya cried out as she hugged Kai, they all hugged Kai. Cole held onto Kai's face before planting a kiss on his lips “I'm glad to have you back, the real you that I love..” Cole smiled and so did Kai.

To be continued.. (maybe?)

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