All ends are different.

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!Warning this part contains mentions of pills and suicide!

days have passed since the fight
The damaged doors had been changed. Kai was laying in bed, he wasn't hurt he just didn't feel like getting up. Kai curled himself into a ball and pulled his blanket over himself, after some time he fell asleep again.
He opened his eyes to see an black void infront of him, he knew that the nightmare would begin once again. This time the nightmare changed, he saw himself standing there with his friends, none of them had eyes they all had long sad mouths on them, "Why do you always hurt us?" they all said at once "Please stop, it hurts, it burns!" they all screamed as flames began to rise around them, Kai wanted to scream but he couldn't, he just cried silently looking at him and his friends in pain, being burnt alive. That figure appeared in Kai's nightmare "Oh Kai.. What did you do? Why would you hurt your friends, they are your family after all.." it said also without eyes and a long sad mouth. It twirled around Kai who just stood there crying "We were so powerful together.. Why didn't you stay with me? We could've never been caught like that! You did it on purpose! -" it just kept screaming for hours and hours. When the next day finally arrived and Kai woke up he felt mentally exhausted, all he could think about were the sad faces of his friends and himself. They were in pain and they wanted his help but he couldn't help them. He sat up and went into the bathroom, he looked into the mirror to see his own pathetic face looking back at him "oh Kai my dear..~" he heard the same voice that had been screaming at him in his dream "I'm here for you" the figure said sliding open the drawer with pills in it "We can end our pain for once and for all." Kai looked into the drawer and he grabbed a bottle on painkillers and a bottle of sleeping pills "Would that make everyone elses lives better..?" Kai asked while he was hesitating his decicion "Of course it would! They would even thank you." the figure was manipulating with Kai and it was working, the amber eyed boy took the pill bottles and shoved them into his pocket. He arrived back to his room and he placed the bottles on the counter next to his bed, there was also an water bottle there. This looked rather familiar, it felt like deja vu?
Kai was ready to end his miserable life but before he did it, he wrote a letter for each one of the ninjas seperatly including pixal and Master Wu. He wrote them how much he loved them and appreciated all they had done for him. He gave 90% of his life savings to Nya and 10% to Lloyd so his siblings could both do what they want with it. For Cole Kai left his ring that his dad had made him. He also left his parents a note, if they happened to stop by sometime. He folded them and placed them on the bed. "I'm ready.." Kai said to himself opening the bottles "You can do this, Kai." he poured quite a lot of pills on his palm, he then put them in his mouth and drank the water. "In about ten minutes, we will be gone." the figure said as he placed it's hand on Kai's shoulder. They waited for the pills to kick in. Around 5 minutes later Kai said "I think it's working, I feel dizzy-" just as he got to say that he collapsed onto the floor "When he is gone, I will vanish too." the figure said as it stood there next to Kai's passed out body. He looked at his hands and saw that he was vanishing "His hourglass of life is running out" the figure said and a minute later he had vanished. Kai suddenly woke up "I didn't die?" he asked himself as he looked down and there he saw his lifeless body "I did.." Kai was now a spirit he was in the form when he was the happiest and that was when he was around 20, he got up in his spirit form, he looked at himself "Guess my spirit is red, cool" Kai was happy again. He walked through the closed door to walk around before really leaving. He saw his friends training "Kai? Why are you red- No.. no no no no no!" Nya had noticed Kai, turns out his spirit wasn't invisible for the living. Nya ran up to Kai and tried to grab him but her hands went right thru him "I'm sorry, sister. I am truely happy this way." Kai smiled happily and this time it wasn't fake. All the ninjas walked up to the two, Cole was heartbroken, he couldn't save Kai. "I'm sorry my dear friends, my time is running out. I have to leave soon." Cole tried to hug the spirit but his arms went thru him "I promise to look after all of you.." Kai said as he slowly started to disappear "I love you all."

The end.

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