How He Went: Part 1

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There he was..., standing in front of baggage claim with a bouquet of roses..., my favorite type of flower.

I should probably introduce myself first. My names Rachel Merimak. Im 17 years old. I live in sunny California, while my boyfriend, John Myers, lives all the way in Florida. He moved about two years ago, but we still make it work. We're both 17, and have been dating since we were 14. I know you may be thinking "14 is way to young to date, plus their 2289 miles apart." Well, we're actually crazy in love. We met in 5th grade. We hung out everyday since then, but when his dad's job relocated him, he had to go too. I couldn't stand the thought of not seeing his perfect smile and his well cut hair everyday. Every month I manage to get enough money to fly out and see him.

It's been three months since i've seen John. I haven't gotten enough money, but when I got a new job and a lot more money, I booked the closest date to fly to see him. So where was I.., oh ya, so there he was, standing at baggage claim with a bouquet of roses. I ran as fast as I could wheeling my suit case behind me. As soon as I go close enough, I dropped my bags and jumped into his arms.

"I've missed you!" I said kissing him

"I've missed you more Rachel! I couldn't concentrate because I didn't see you for three whole months!" He replied kissing me more.

"Lets go to my place." He said. "I have a surprise for you."


When we got to his place, his parents weren't home. I saw the lights were dimmed and two candles lit in the center of a small round table with plates with spaghetti on it.

"Yummy" I said.

He smiled and pulled out the chair and gestured me to sit down.

"Why thank you honey."

"No problem love. I made your favorite food."

When I sat, he sat. He pulled out a medium sized box. I was stunned, but a smile spread across my face.

"I love you.., and I mean it. I'm in love with you, and I bought this to show you." He opened the box. There was a beautiful diamond necklace, in the shape of an infinity sign. I started to cry but smiled at the same time. While crying I managed to say "I love you too."

At that moment, I knew things were more serious than ever. We sat their gazing into each others eyes as we ate.

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