How He Went: Part 3

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*Note: "He" May Not Be John. Things Will Soon Get Even More Serious And Dramatic. Also This Is All From Rachel's Perspective.*

    I woke up next to John. I smiled and turned over, realizing John has been up.

"How long have you been awake?" I said

"Just about 15 minutes or so. You are so beauti- Wait... Oh my god..." John said. I looked at him nervously and confused.

" What? What is it John?"


"No.." I said. "Oh no no no. It was just once... it can't be possible."

"Okay just calm down baby.. we can go get a pregnancy test later at the drug store, but we can't tell my parent. They will kick me out." John replied

"Okay. We're 18. Well you are are. My birthdays in a week." I rambled on and on and then John cut me off.

"Its going to be fine Rach." He said stroking my hair. We got up and changed and headed to the kitchen where John's parents were reading on their tablets. I started panicking in my head. I hoped that I wasn't pregnant.

"Good morning love birds." Said Mrs. Myer

"I see you've gotten use to us." John said. I never felt more uncomfortable till now.

Time passed by and I found myself looking down aisles at the drug store. When we got home I did what I needed to do and waited. Just then John's parents came in and saw John and I staring at the stick.

"W-What is going on? Did you knock her up John?!" Yelled John's dad.

"Dad you don't need to put it that way! Everything is fine as long as it's not positive."

"Negative." I mumbled. I signed with relief. John and I hugged. Things could've been bad. I knew my parents would sit me down when I got home tomorrow.

"Everything is fine. Just we need to remember next time." I said

"Next time?! There will be no next time." John's mom said as his father took a phone call. I just sat their in shock.

"You can't do that mom!"

"Yes I can and Rachel's mother agrees too if you keep doing this!"

I wake up and see John next to me. Gosh I fell asleep in jeans. We get up and walk to the kitchen. That was a weird dream.

"John I want you to come back with me." I grown.

"Then good news." His mom replies. I narrow my eyes, confused.

"Honey. I've been relocated back to California." Mr. Myers said. John looked towards me and kissed me passionately. It felt so good right then and there. We could finally be together. Then I remember that the house across the street, John's old house, was up for sale.

"Oh!" I yelled. "Your old house is up for sale! You can move back there!" I saw a smile form across John and his fathers face.

"I'll put an offer up, but don't get your hopes up. You two should go to sleep, Rachel's fight it in the morning.

I headed off with John to the guest bedroom, where I started to pack.

"Just imagine." I heard John say as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We could be closer. No more flights back and forth. We could see each other whenever we wanted and we could go to school together."

"That sounds wonderful." I said while John started kissing me. We laid down on the bed.

"John." I said.

"I know. Well... I should get to bed. I'll wake you up for breakfast then drive you to the airport. Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight." I replied. We kissed goodnight and soon I fell asleep.


In the morning I saw John standing over me.

"Gosh you scared me. Are you feeling well. You don't look good." I said.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I made you breakfast. Come out soon." He said. I changed an wheeled my bags out. I ate slow so I wouldn't have to leave soon.

"Alright. I'll drive you to the airport and walk you to the gate."

"Awesome." I said.

    When we got to the gate I started crying.

"I'll see you soon... neighbor." He said.

"You got the house!?" I screamed.

"Yup! We're gonna be there in two weeks!"

"OMG! Yay!" I said hugging him. Then over the speaker we heard "Flight 429 will now be boarding."

"Well I have to go." I said while holding my necklace. John kissed me and I walked through the gate.

"I love you." He mouthed.

"I love you too." I mouthed back. John watched till the flight took off. "Two weeks." I mumbled.

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