How He Went: Part 8

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The next day I woke up and didn't want to go to school. Things were already crazy enough. Next week was the charity event, and I had a boat load of tests to do. I wasn't prepared to go back to school. I got up early to go see my brother. I grabbed my car keys and drove to the hospital. On my way down I was nervous to see him. Seeing Eric all bruised made me sick to my stomach.

"Hello Rachel!" I heard Rose say.

"Rose! Nice to see you!" I said bending down to hug her.

"Seeing the little brother of yours?" She said with a sympathetic facial expression.

"Yup.. I came early because I have school." I told her.

"Have a good monday!" She said as she wheeled off. Just then I got a phone call. It was Kennedy.

"Yo girl I thought I was picking you up?! Come outside!" She said. I forgot that we made plans to go early!

"I totally forgot. Can you pick me up tomorrow, I'm visiting my brother." I said, explaining why I wasn't home.

"Thats fine. I'll see you In Bio!" She said hanging up.

 I checked in and when straight to my brothers room. There were flowers there and balloons. The gifts just made things different..., and not in a good way. I pulled a chair up next to the hospital bed and held my brothers hand. His hand was still as big as mine, yet Im older. They were cold as Ice. I pulled up the covers over his hands to make them warm. I didn't know what to do, so started talking anyways I didn't get a reply.

"Hey Eric.. Its Rachel, your sister. Ive been visiting everyday just to check up on you. I really hope you wake up. The charity event is in a week and I'm giving a speech. I'll read it to you before the event, but I haven't even started. Mom and dad are speaking, and so are a lot of other people. The money is going to families who struggle paying medical bills. On another topic, I don't want to go to school. People keep coming up to me, and its to hard. I hear the same thing everyday "Im sorry what happened to your brother" and its just so annoying. Im happy their supporting and all but its constant... I have to go now. I love you." I said with a sign. 

I moved the chair back and kissed his forehead. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I didn't want to go to school but I got in my car and drove off anyways.

When I got to school, I got some looks. Not bad ones..., sympathetic ones. I hung my head low and walked to my locker. I got out my binder and textbooks. I shoved my backpack into my locker and walked to homeroom, where I would see Kennedy.

"Hey Rach!" She said with a positive smile.

"Hey.." I replied, going on my phone.

"Cheer up.. Please. I don't want you to be all depressed. I want to see that girl who always smiled and made jokes a lot." Kennedy said in a pleading tone.

"Well she's on vacation for a while. Tell the teacher I'm here. John needs me." I said walking to Johns locker. On the way over a got some hugs and more "I'm sorry". I saw John and he smiled at me. I immediately smiled back. A real smile. 

"Hey." John said cupping my face and kissing me.

"Hi!" I said smiling.

"I have something for you." He said opening his locker. He took out one single rose, no thorns, and gave it to me.

"John. Thank you. This really made my day." I said with a big smile, and kissed him. The bell rang and I looked at John.

"You best better go get your things in homeroom. I love you." John said.

"I love you too." I said, kissing him one more time and walked back to homeroom, holding the rose.

"I see lover boy gave you a rose!" Kennedy said, teasing me playfully.

"Ya ya.. Have you seen Morgan?" I asked.

"Ya.. She's with the whole gang. They said that they will sit with us at lunch." Kennedy said.

"Alright.. Lets go." I said walking into class. The classed went by quickly, and so did lunch. By the end of the day I was so exhausted and just wanted to go home.


"How was school." My parents asked. They were both writing their speeches and weren't looking at me.

"Fine... John gave me a rose." I said taking out a small vase. I filled it with water and put it in the center of the dinner table.

"Thats sweet of him." My mom said. I walked upstairs and flopped down on my bed. I had already done my homework in study hall so I could take a nap.

I woke up from my nap from the sound of my phone. I was getting a bunch of alerts about the news paper, but I really didn't care. It was about 4 so I went downstairs and turned Ellen on. I ordered a pizza because none of us has been cooking. The pizza came within 15 minutes so that was good.

After I finished dinner and watched tv till 7 I went up to my room. I turned on my tv and my computer and when on tumblr. My life has been boring. Nothing exciting was going on and I've been really lazy. Just then I remembered speech. I when into a blank screen and began to type. I didn't have any good words and I was up all night. I decided to give up.

"I'll finish tomorrow." I said as I felt my eyes getting heavy. It was 11:43pm so I decided to go to bed. I set my alarm and changed into my pajamas. I flung the covers over my head and when to sleep.

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